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Showing posts from April, 2019

Public Announcement: HAPPY EASTER 2019-From DA-Democratic Alternative Party.Message of H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga to Nigerians and the World at Easter.

Easter 2019- DA-Democratic Alternative national chairman H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga wishes all Nigerians and peoples of the world Happy Easter Public Announcement: HAPPY EASTER 2019-From DA-Democratic Alternative Party.Message of H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga to Nigerians and the World at Easter. On the behalf of all Members of DA- Democratic Alternative Party, H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga - the National Chairman of DA wishes all the peoples of Nigeria and the entire World Happy Easter celebrations admonishing all and sundry to emulate the humility, selflessness,hard work, faith and love of our Lord Jesus Christ and to cherish the significance of Easter as the great avalanche of events that culminated in the Forgiveness of the sins of the world through the strips of his blood the World is saved from eternal damnation and Apocalypse. Rejoice for He has Risen. Gratitude.

Public Announcement: 2019 Easter Message of H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- National Chairman of DA to all Nigerians and the Citizens of the World

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA National Chairman greet all Nigerians and citizens of the world Happy Easter 2019 Public Announcement: 2019 Easter Message of H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- National Chairman of DA to all Nigerians and the Citizens of the World On the behalf of all Members of DA-Democratic Alternative Party, H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga the National Chairman of DA felicitate with all Nigerians and citizens of the world on the celebrations of Easter Season 2019. Admonishing all to identify with the lessons of the events of Easter in creation as encapsulated in one of the greatest verse of the Holly scriptures That...God So loved the world, that He gave his Only Son the begotten that who So ever believeth in Him will not perish but have access to life everlasting. This great opportunity of Salvation and Redemption through Confession and Repentance of sins of the World was made manifest in the events of Easter where the Son of God was wrongly accused by s