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Showing posts from September, 2019

PRESS RELEASE: Tributes to Mugabe: The Travails of a Sea Lion among Mankind of Subsequent Creation:- by H.E Prince Frank Ukonga- National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative Party@ 2019 Anno Domini:

Mugabe in ZANU Campaign Rally: Tributes to Robert Mugabe by H.E Prince Frank Ukonga- National Chairman DA-Democratic Alternative Party @ the transition of Mugabe @ 95 Mugabe in ZANU Campaign Rally: Tributes to Robert Mugabe by H.E Prince Frank Ukonga- National Chairman DA-Democratic Alternative Party @ the transition of Mugabe @ 95 Mugabe in ZANU Campaign Rally: Tributes to Robert Mugabe by H.E Prince Frank Ukonga- National Chairman DA-Democratic Alternative Party @ the transition of Mugabe @ 95 Mugabe with the Queen of England HRM Elizabeth: Tributes to Robert Mugabe by H.E Prince Frank Ukonga- National Chairman DA-Democratic Alternative Party @ the transition of Mugabe @ 95 Mugabe with the President of Cuba Fidel Castro: Tributes to Robert Mugabe by H.E Prince Frank Ukonga- National Chairman DA-Democratic Alternative Party @ the transition of Mugabe @ 95 Mugabe in ZANU Campaign Rally: Tributes to Robert Mugabe by H.E Prince Frank Ukonga- National Chairma