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Press Release :HE. Frank Ukonga DA National Leader is 65:Happy Birthday: By DA South- South Vice National Chairman/ River State Chairman :Hon Johnbull Obrasua:

Press Release :HE. Frank Ukonga, DA National Leader is 65:Happy Birthday: By DA South- South National Vice Chairman/ River State Chapter Chairman :Hon Johnbull Obrasua: On the behalf or all members of the South- South Region and the River State Chapter of DA and myself,Hon. Johnbull Obrasua,the National Vice Chairman and River state Chairman of DA- Democratic Alternative Party, we wish the National Chairman of our great Party HE. Prince Frank Ukonga, Happy 65years birthday anniversary Celebrations. We wish him long life ,good health and prosperity. Sign:Hon.Barr. Johnbull Obrasau DA National Vice Chairman South- South/River State Chapter.
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