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Showing posts from January, 2022

Ahead of 2023: DA Bag's Award- offer Youth and Women Free Nomination Fees

Breaking :Ahead of 2023: DA Bag's Award- offer the Youth and Women Free Nomination Fees: The DA-Democratic Alternative Party has recently been awarded the National Friend of the Youth Award by the National Youth Council in Benin City Edo State for the Youth Friendly programs of the Party and most especially for the youth friendly disposition of the National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative Party His Excellency Prince Frank Ukonga , who is resolute and determined that power must shift to the youth of Nigeria. Among the Youth friendly qualities of DA includes the leading party in Nigeria that sponsored most youth in the 2019 general elections to the National and State Assemblies and to the Executive aspects of grabbing power, which was recently published by YIAGA Africa a reputable credible election Observer. The Democratic Alternative Party National Chairman His Excellency Prince Frank Ukonga said “We at DA are very excited by the honor and we dedicate the award to the emancip

Breaking: Obey Court Order- Nigerians Tell INEC to Reinstate DA-Democratic Alternative Party & Others

Breaking: Obey Court Order- Nigerians Tell INEC to Reinstate DA-Democratic Alternative Party & Others Victory for Democracy and the Rule of Law as the Federal High Court Abuja of Justice Obiora Egwuatu on the Judgement of 9th of December 2021 has Ordered INEC to Reinstate DA-Democratic Alternative Party, MAJA-Mass Action Joint Alliance and RP-Restoration Party and to allow them the full recognitions as legally and constitutionally registered political parties and to allow these parties to be on ballot in all elections of the Nigerian federation. This was the outcome of the suit filed by these political parties asking to benefit from the Appeal Court Judgment of Justice Monica Dongban-Mensem -President Court of Appeal Ordering INEC to relist ACD and 21 Others in a historic judgment based on the adamantine doctrines of Stare Decisis of 5 appeal court Judges, which in other Jurisprudence is the final word on matters of elections or public interest. Which is the consensus judgment bi

Breaking- DA is the Most Youth Friendly Party in Nigeria -Polls Observer Reports

DA-Party is the Most Youth Friendly Party in Nigeria -Polls Observer Reports The Report of YIAGA Africa, a reputable credible National Observer of the 2019 election has published recently the statistics of performances of all the politicaL Parties in the 2019 election and has lauded the achievements of DA- the Democratic Altertive Party for leading in the fielding of more youth to the National and States Assemblies out of 91 political parties.DA led all other parties by promoting over 85 Youth to the House of Representatives and over 25 youth to the Senate in the 2019 election. DA also led in the overall sponsorship of youth and women to all the positions in the 1500 seats contested in the 2019 elections, DA fielded over 1350 candidates in the 2019 election coming third after the APC and the PDP that fieldd 1500 candidates, DA emmerge the 3ed Force of the Nigerian Federation and the fastest growing Party in Nigeria and Africa. Whence DA is today the Most Youth friendly Party of Nige

STOP PRESS- DA- Sponsored more Youths to the Nat. and States Assemblies -YIAGA- Reports

DA-Party Sponsored more Youths to the Nat. and States Assemblies -YIAGA- Reports The Report of YIAGA Africa, a reputable credible National Observer of the 2019 election has published recently the statistics of performances of all the politicaL Parties in the 2019 election and has lauded the achievements of DA- the Democratic Altertive Party for leading in the fielding of more youth to the National and States Assemblies out of 91 political parties.DA led all other parties by promoting over 85 Youth to the House of Representatives and over 25 youth to the Senate in the 2019 election. DA also led in the overall sponsorship of youth and women to all the positions in the 1500 seats contested in the 2019 elections, DA fielded over 1350 candidates in the 2019 election coming third after the APC and the PDP that fieldd 1500 candidates, DA emmerge the 3ed Force of the Nigerian Federation and the fastest growing Party in Nigeria and Africa. Whence DA is today the Most Youth friendly Party of