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Breaking News: Easter 2018:The Imperatives of Good Friday in the sojourn of the Radiant Star among Mankind of Subsequent Creation: admonitions of H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga , the National Chairman of Democratic Alternative Party –DA- to all Nigerians and Citizens of the World.

Democratic Alternative DA wish all Happy Easter by H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga Nat. Chairman DA

Breaking News: Easter 2018:The Imperatives of Good Friday in the sojourn of the Radiant Star among Mankind of Subsequent Creation: admonitions of H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga , the National Chairman of Democratic Alternative Party –DA- to all Nigerians and Citizens of the World.
“For God so loved the world, that He sent His only Son the begotten..That whosoever beliveth in Him will not perish but have life everlasting…” 
Jesus Christ sojourned on Planet Earth and lived among mankind..He was doing good to all the peoples of the world…He never committed any sin throughout his life but the peoples of the world 2018 years ago lied against Him, He was arrested, crucified and murdered on the cross of Calvary as a symbol of the futility of lies, hate, injustice, sin, and the triumph of God, Holy Will and Truth/Love, over Evil and the Whiles of Satan etc.. ushering into being novae culture order for the Human Race of all times…Christianity- of New Testament was ushered into being, with a new culture order of enlightenment of Love, truth, forgiveness, peace, kindness, goodness, humility, honesty,  etal
As we celebrate the 2018 Easter Season, H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga the National Chairman of Democratic Alternative Party [DA] of the Nigerian Federation admonish all Nigerians and the peoples of the world to emulate and follow the great teachings of Jesus Christ addressed to be at Accord with fellow Mankind and at Concord with God the Creator, the Benefactor, the Beneficent….Gratitude


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