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Hottest Global News: Nigeria in Danger: “Obey Court Order and Reinstate Political Parties”- Parties Chairmen tell Prof. Mahmood Yakubu and INEC; as Federal High Court Barred INEC from Delisting Political Parties.

Obey Court Order and reinstate Political Parties-National Chairmen of 74 Parties tell INEC

Hottest Global News: Nigeria in Danger: “Obey Court Order and Reinstate Political Parties”- Parties Chairmen tell Prof. Mahmood Yakubu and INEC; as Federal High Court Barred INEC from Delisting Political Parties.
-By Kudaisi Aribisala
The Ruling of great Justice Ms. Anwuli Chikere of the Federal High Court Abuja; stopping and barring INEC and Professor Mahmood Yakubu from de registering Political Parties on the 17th of February 2020 was the best thing that ever happened to the glories of freedom of association and Multi-Party Democracy in Nigeria and Africa.
The Honorable Justice Anwuli Chikere granted a permanent, perpetual interlocutory injunction stopping Professor Mahmood Yakubu and INEC from de registering political parties. But INEC knowing fully that the case was in Court since the month of May 2019 went ahead to disregard constitutional and legal protocols of engagements for action to stay anti-Bellum when a case is in court went ahead illegally to deregister 74 political parties on the 6th of February2020 with impunity thereby pre-empting the court.
On February 17th of 2020, the great Justice Anwuli Chikere a respectable incorruptible Lady of Remarkable integrity put Professor Mahmood Yakubu and his SANS [Senior Advocates of Nigeria] in their proper place by refraining them from delisting any political party in Nigeria for that matter.
Reason would prevail that Professor Mahmood Yakubu should Obey Court Order and reinstate back the political parties so that they can continue to operate as legally registered institutions, but alas INEC and Professor Mahmood Yakubu till today have refused to Obey Court Order and Court Rulings.
Whence all the Chairmen of the 74 affected political parties are calling on all Nigerians and all lovers of Democracy and the Rule of Law to impact it on Professor Mahmood Yakubu and INEC to Obey Court Ruling., We are calling of President Buhari to call INEC and Professor Mahmood Yakubu to obey Court Ruling and the Rule of Law.
Whence we appeal to all Nigerians to impact it on INEC to Obey Court Order and do the needful as INEC is a product of the Nigerian Constitution of 1999 as amended and it bequest the imagination of any rational mind of goodwill for such an institution to disobey court orders with blatant disregards for the Rule of Law, this certainly could be counterproductive and portend grave dangers for the polity if all institutions and citizens disobey court orders then the polity would turn into the Thomas Hobbes state where life would be short, brutal and nasty and Democracy in Danger. Gratitude.


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