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Breaking News: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga Nat. Chairman of DA laud National Chairmen of Political Parties over the signing of Code of Conduct for IPAC Members.

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga - Nat Chairman of DA=Democratic Alternative, Alhaji A. Salam- Nat. Chairman Labour Party,
and Chief Perry Okparra- Nat Chairman NUP
Breaking News: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga Nat. Chairman of DA laud National Chairmen of Political Parties over the signing of Code of Conduct for IPAC Members.
Abuja the seat of government of the Nigerian Federation played host to all Chairmen of Political Parties in Nigeria in a two days workshop addressed to draft ad sign a new code of conduct for political parties in Nigeria.
The memorable event held a few days ago in the prestigious Nicon Luxury Hotel Abuja was graced by all chairmen of political parties in Nigeria.
The new document would be the new code of ethics and conducts for political parties before, during and after elections addressed to foster positive Inter Party Relations among political parties and their members. The Do's and Don'ts were clearly written out with some new innovation as in the Dispute Resolution Committee recently added to receive cases among political parties and resolve dispute through internal dispute resolution mechanism and avoid court litigation. The Event was sponsored by the ECES of the EU and anchored by NIPSS.

FRM LEFT: Alhaji Takai Nat Chairman ACD, H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- Nat Chairman DA-Democratic Alternative, Alhaji Lawal Nalado - Nat. Chairman IPAC & Nat Chair Accord Party, Dr Jeff Ojinika Nat Chairman C4C, and Bar Geiogina Dakpokpo Nat Chairperson YDP.

Chief Perry Okparra- Nat. Chairman NUP , H.E Prince Frank Ukonga- Nat Chairman DA- Democratic Alternative Party

Dr Tanko Yinusa- Nat Chairman NCP, H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- Nat Chairman DA-Democratic Alternative and Chief Joseph Avazi - Nat Chairman AD

Dr Tank Yinusa - Nat Chairman - NCP, H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- Nat Chairman DA-Democratic Alternative and Rev Olusegun Peters- National Chairman DPC

Dr Sam Eke - Nat. Chairman GPN, Dr Tanko Yinusa - Nat. Chairman NCP, H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- Nat. Chairman DA-Democratic Alternative and Rev Olusegun Peters- Nat Chairman DPC

Dr Sam Eke Nat Chairman GPN, Mr Bishop Amakri Nat Chairman of YPP, H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- Nat. Chairman of DA- Democratic Alternative and Chief Ikenga Nat. Chairman of APP

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- Nat Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative Party in warm handshake with Mr Rudolf Elbling of the ECES/EU and Mr Louis Odion of the Grassroot Party.

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative with Mr Rudolf Elbling of ECES/EU


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