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Showing posts from September, 2018

WORLD NEWS: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga elected the Presidential flag bearer of DA-Democratic Alternative Party at the Party National /Presidential Primaries convention held in Abuja on the 29th September 2018. Monitored by top INEC Officials

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga-the Elected Presidential Candidate of DA in warm Handshake with INEC Chairman Professor Mahmud Yakubu at INEC Stakeholders Meeting held in Abuja recently WORLD NEWS: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga elected the Presidential flag bearer of DA-Democratic Alternative Party at the Party National /Presidential Primaries convention held in Abuja on the 29th September 2018. Monitored by top INEC Officials. H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga in his acceptance speech promised to do his best to win the 2019 Presidential election of March 2, 2019.He exploded on a Ten points agenda to carry Nigeria to the promised land Tagged "HOPE 2019"- He offered the following promissory Notes if voted to power as the President of Nigeria in 2019: 1]Free and qualitative Education at all levels 2] Job Creation: He promised to create 20 million direct jobs and over 50 million jobs in the down stream sector economy. 4.Industrial Revolution: He promised to industrialize Nigeria through the cr

HOT News:2019 Polls: H.E. Abdulsalami Abubakar Former Head of State,Frank Ukonga-DA Nat Chair,Commodore Ukiwe former CGS, Bishop Kukah, IPAC Chair Peter Ameh, and others Storms National Peace Committee Summit

H.E. Abdulsalami Abubakar Former Head of State in a warm Handshake with H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative Party at the National Peace Summit in Abuja HOT News:2019 Polls: H.E. Abdulsalami Abubakar Former Head of State,Frank Ukonga-DA Nat Chair,Commodore Ukiwe former CGS, Bishop Kukah, IPAC Chair Peter Ameh, and others Storms National Peace Committee Summit: Ahead of the 2019 presidential elections, the National Peace Committee chaired by the former Head of State of the Nigerian Federation held a Peace Parlay with stakeholders at the National University Commission Hall Maitama Abuja yesterday and in attendance were th e former Head of state H.E. Major General Abdulsalami Abubakar, Former Chief of General Staff of the Nigerian Federation Commodore Ebitu Ukiwe, Bishop Mathew Kukah, Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga National Chairman of Democratic Alternative Party-DA,High Chief Peter Ameh IPAC Chairman, and many other stake

WORLD NEWS:Prof Mahmood Yakubu-INEC Chairman, Frank Ukonga-DA Nat Chair, Chief Peter Ameh-IPAC Chair, etc storms YIAGA Summit on “Ending the scourge of Vote Buying & Selling in Nigerian Elections”-Focus on Ekiti, Osun & 2019 guber Polls.

From rt: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga -National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative Party with High Chief Peter Ameh- National Chairman of IPAC and Mr. Williams- Deputy National Chairman of DPC H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga - National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative Party in a warm Handshake with Prof. Mahmood Yakubu- National Chairman of INEC H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative Party with Hon. Samson Itodo- CEO YIAGA Africa- Sponsor of the NOT TOO YOUNG TO RUN BILL WORLD NEWS:Prof Mahmood Yakubu-INEC Chairman, Frank Ukonga-DA Nat Chair, Chief Peter Ameh-IPAC Chair, etc storms YIAGA Summit on “Ending the scourge of Vote Buying & Selling in Nigerian Elections”-Focus on Ekiti, Osun & 2019 guber Polls. Today was a historic day in the annals of Nigerian Democratic dispensation as major stakeholders engage on round table discussion at the Sheraton Hotel, Abuja on the auspices of YIAGA Africa to discuss o

HOT News: 2019 Polls:DA-to produce the Next President of Nigeria & many governors, senators, Reps, Assembly, etc -Prophet Samuel Umoh the General Overseer [GO] of Ancient of Days Ministries.said: “God is About to do a great Miracle in Nigeria through H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga & Democratic Alternative Party-DA”-

God is about to perform a great miracle in Nigeria through H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga and DemocraticAlternative Party-Prophetic Revelation HOT News: 2019 Polls:DA-to produce the Next President of Nigeria & many governors, senators, Reps, Assembly, etc -Prophet Samuel Umoh the General Overseer [GO] of  Ancient of Days Ministries.said: “God is About to do a great Miracle in Nigeria through H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga & Democratic Alternative Party-DA”-  Today was jubilation in the Maitama, Abuja National Secretariat of DA-Democratic Alternative Party, one of the foremost leading, top rank political parties in Nigeria. H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- the National Chairman of Democratic Alternative Party-DA, received messages from Prophet Samuel Umoh the General Overseer [GO] of  Ancient of Days Ministries- whose head office is in Badagry Express Way in Lagos and has many branches in Nigeria and abroad with a large following; revealed to the National Chairman of Democratic Alternati

Breaking News:2019 Polls: Parties Condemn Vote Buying @ INEC /Political Parties stakeholder's Summit:

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga -National Chairman of DA- Democratic Alternative with Chief Adetona Nat Chairman of PPC, and Chief Idriss Nat. Chairman of MMN Breaking News:2019 Polls: Parties Condemn Vote Buying @ INEC /Political Parties stakeholder's Summit: An all important INEC/Political Parties stakeholder's Summit was held in Abuja at the Hall of National University Commission on the 7th of September. The all important Summit was Chaired by the INEC Chairman Professor Mahmud Yakubu and attended by all National and state Commissioners of INEC. All the  Chairmen and Secretaries of the 91 registered political Parties in Nigeria attended this all important summit to discuss the programs that would lead to a successful 2019 election. Dignitaries  include Rev Olusegun  Peters Nat. Chairman of DPC, H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga National Chairman of DA- Democratic Alternative,Dr Jef Ojinika- National Chairman of C4C, Alhaji Lawal Nalado National Chairman of Accord party, and many oth

IPAC Election 2018:H.E.Frank Ukonga -DA Nat. Chairman Congratulate Chief Peter Ameh Nat. Chairman PPA the Newly elected IPAC Chairman & all members of his EXCO.

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- the National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative congratulating Chief Peter Ameh of PPA the newly elected Chairman of IPAC IPAC Election 2018:H.E.Frank Ukonga -DA Nat. Chairman Congratulate Chief Peter Ameh Nat. Chairman PPA the Newly elected IPAC Chairman & all members of his EXCO. H..E. Prince Frank Ukonga the National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative Party congratulate High Chief Peter Ameh the National Chairman of PPA who was elected chairman of IPAC [Inter Party Advisory Council] for a one year term. The keenly contested election held at the Electoral Institute , Abuja had in attendance about 82 accredited delegates of 91 registered Political Parties in Nigeria.Many chairmen of Political Parties voted at the occasion among whom includes AA Salam National Chairman LP, Chief Dozie Madu National Chairman ID, Chief Iwayanwu National Chairman ZLP, Prince Frank Ukonga National Chairman DA, Hon Eyiowuwi Razak Nat C