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Breaking News:2019 Polls: Parties Condemn Vote Buying @ INEC /Political Parties stakeholder's Summit:

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga -National Chairman of DA- Democratic Alternative with Chief Adetona Nat Chairman of PPC, and Chief Idriss Nat. Chairman of MMN
Breaking News:2019 Polls: Parties Condemn Vote Buying @ INEC /Political Parties stakeholder's Summit:
An all important INEC/Political Parties stakeholder's Summit was held in Abuja at the Hall of National University Commission on the 7th of September.
The all important Summit was Chaired by the INEC Chairman Professor Mahmud Yakubu and attended by all National and state Commissioners of INEC. All the  Chairmen and Secretaries of the 91 registered political Parties in Nigeria attended this all important summit to discuss the programs that would lead to a successful 2019 election. Dignitaries  include Rev Olusegun  Peters Nat. Chairman of DPC, H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga National Chairman of DA- Democratic Alternative,Dr Jef Ojinika- National Chairman of C4C, Alhaji Lawal Nalado National Chairman of Accord party, and many others
Top on the agenda of vexation among chairmen and leaders of political parties is the issue of Vote buying and selling which if not stopped could truncate the democratic experience of the Nigerian federation.
All the political parties were unanimous in condemning this strange abnormal development in the Nigerian democratic exercise and they  appealed to the INEC National Chairman to do something urgent and even drastic to stop this trend among some unscrupulous candidates in connivance with their parties who want to win at all cost and by what ever means possible.
In his reply the INEC Chairman promised that INEC are putting some new stratagems in place that would make it difficult for any body to engage in this illicit trade.


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