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HOT News: 2019 Polls:DA-to produce the Next President of Nigeria & many governors, senators, Reps, Assembly, etc -Prophet Samuel Umoh the General Overseer [GO] of Ancient of Days Ministries.said: “God is About to do a great Miracle in Nigeria through H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga & Democratic Alternative Party-DA”-

God is about to perform a great miracle in Nigeria through H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga
and DemocraticAlternative Party-Prophetic Revelation
HOT News: 2019 Polls:DA-to produce the Next President of Nigeria & many governors, senators, Reps, Assembly, etc -Prophet Samuel Umoh the General Overseer [GO] of  Ancient of Days Ministries.said: “God is About to do a great Miracle in Nigeria through H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga & Democratic Alternative Party-DA”- 
Today was jubilation in the Maitama, Abuja National Secretariat of DA-Democratic Alternative Party, one of the foremost leading, top rank political parties in Nigeria. H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- the National Chairman of Democratic Alternative Party-DA, received messages from Prophet Samuel Umoh the General Overseer [GO] of  Ancient of Days Ministries- whose head office is in Badagry Express Way in Lagos and has many branches in Nigeria and abroad with a large following; revealed to the National Chairman of Democratic Alternative today that God has revealed to him the great Miracles that is about to perform in Nigeria which will save the Nigerian masses from poverty and from the hands and jaws of the cabals and from the strong hold of  devils, demons and principalities.
He said God revealed to him that Democratic Alternative would produce the next President of Nigeria and that DA would produce many governors, Senators, Rep Members and Assembly Members.
 Prophet Samuel Umoh said: “God is About to do a great Miracle in Nigeria through H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga & Democratic Alternative Party-DA as the party has been blessed to produce the next president, governors, Senators, Reps etc that would take Nigeria to the promise land.”
He admonishes all Nigerians to do the needful and obey the clarion call as revealed to him .He said he saw several Birds flying but the Dove of Prince Frank Ukonga and DA-Democratic Alternative flew higher and remarkably. He further warned that some evil peoples are doing nocturnal activities to highjack this great destiny of DA he advice them to desist from this and allow the wish of God and that of the people prevail.-


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