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The philosophy of Social Democracy is a complete thesis on how to govern a society to higher standards of rectitude, progress and prosperity. For a complete philosophical thesis, a concept must satisfy both the necessity reason de entre as well as the sufficiency premises of coming to being.
Classical social democratic values hold strongly the aspects of A posteriori knowledge as its fundamental question of philosophy and dispute the aspects of transcendentalism and idealism of theology as causality of origin of Homo sapiens. Which implies that Social Democracy orchestrates the materialist philosophy of the origin of man in our planet described by fore runners as a manifestation of the big bang theory of evolution, Though in the Nigerian context most social Democrats overlook this fundamental theory of scientific atheism as the stronghold of social democracy from which all other theories of social democracy emanates and perhaps try to make an adaptation of it by hynating it with religious bigotry.
Materialist and historical atheism asserts that our world is knowable and a consequence of things in themselves and that man evolved from lower Animals through an evolution that took many millions of years to achieve. This as a foreground the first theory of Historical and dialectical materialism was molded that: Human beings determines consciousness,; which originated from medieval materialist philosophers of Anahimenes, Anahimenda and Al Farid this was later developed by the Hegelian Philosophy in to a brilliant whole while later Karl Marx and Fredrick Angels developed it into a school called Marxism and Vladimir Lenin was the first to adapt it into the Soviet Revolution as Marxism Leninism. Chairman Mao also adapted it to the Chinese Revolution and subsequently other Nations began to adopt various brands of Social Democracy.
Social democratic theory and practice is guided by a number of postulations that has become scientific and perhaps could be called laws, among which include the followings;
1.       That all men are born equal and as citizen of a polity has inalienable rights to life, security, freedom, jobs, housing, food, good health care, free education etc
2.       The laws of social transformation, classification and revolution
3.       The Laws of spiral spring of Negation of de negation
4.       The laws of scientific atheism
5.       The laws of quantitative transformation to qualitative
6.        The laws of scientific communism.
In the aspects of political economy social democracy advocates the followings;
1.       Central economic planning model
2.       Abolition of private sector economy and capitalism
3.       Recommend a temporal mixed economy in the primordial stage of social democracy which will collapse into the central economic planning model
4.       Aim toward a complete abolition of paper/coined money
5.       Abhorrence of market driven economic models in preference for the Keynesian fiscal budgeting models.
6.       Abolition of the stock exchange market and all other features of capitalism
7.       Abolition of private ownership of means of productions and public properties, giant infrastructures, utility companies, large cooperatives, banks, schools, universities, gsm telecommunication networks, electricity, water, hospitals, radio and television stations, airlines, shipping lines, oil blocks, refineries, oil wells, cement companies, rolling mills, churches, bread factories, flour mills, etc . All to be owned by the state and administered on behalf of the good of the generality of the public.
8.       Provision of first class infrastructures’ for the benefit of all citizens as in first class roads, airports and cheap airfares, modern airplanes, modern railway with new modern coaches all over Nigeria, modern bridges, modern canals, a first class drainage system to avoid flooding, top quality schools for free education at all levels, a comprehensive health delivery system with modern hospitals with state of art equipments, generation and distribution of electricity 24/7, no more power outage or blackout, youth and women empowerment, formation of numerous cottage industries in all 774 Local Govts of the country, Local Govt autonomy, jobs for all, food for all, health for all, housing for all, strong defense and strong police and other para military forces well equipped and well funded, strengthening of all institutions in the country from judiciary to electoral to education, higher institutions, banking, insurance, aviation, shipping etc to up to date international standard practice of social democrats. Curbing of Looting and corruption, Dedicated to strict discipline and accountability. Moral education and ethics to be thought in all schools as in the molding and making of a new human being of the social democratic standard in terns of behavior , dressing, speaking, eating, marriage, culture, friendship, thinking, furnishing and furniture, houses and design of houses, painting, printing, horticultures, architecture etc ,all must conform to social democratic standards.
9.        Social democracy abhor decadent culture, abhor junk culture and behavior, indiscipline, disobedience of civil and traffic laws, rudeness, crude dressing, nudity, pornography, rape, cultism, drunkenness, youth and adult delinquency, careless talking, telling lies, greediness, lackadaisical mentality, laager mentality, ingratitude, madness, imbecility, lateness, laziness, oversleeping, over eating ,wastefulness, superflux, slothfulness, lustfulness, sluggishness, dirtiness, smoking of Indian hemp, smoking of morocco, smoking of sensimila, drugs of cocaine, heroin, etc everything under social democratic ethics must be classic, rectitude, upright to the international standard practiced recommended by social democratic fore runners.
10.    The international standard practice of behavior acceptable to social democrats the world over is the standards of the adamantine Golden Rules of pattern of ethics and Meta ethical resolves addressed to re humanize and reinvent declining mankind of subsequent creation.
  In the Nigerian case study only General Murtala Mohammed’s Government moved towards the establishment of social democracy as in when he nationalized all big companies, banks and cooperatives in Nigeria, declared free education at all levels and made provision for free health services, jobs for all etc and curtailed the expansion of capitalism and private ownership of means of production to its lowest ebb of sundry ownership. He believed in social democracy of the government managing all the big sectors of the economy on behalf of the general good of the peoples of Nigeria, and his government till today was adjudged the best government Nigeria ever had.
Chief Obafemi  Awolowo was the first to establish a government of Social Democracy in Western Region when he expertly managed the cocoa resources of Western Region to declare free education at all levels, free health services to all citizen of Western Region, jobs for all, food and shelter for all etc. This made the Western Region to frog jump into the future in the aspects of development in all facets of life and it is the most developed region in Nigeria today as well as most developed in sub Saharan Africa and perhaps in Africa on regional basis. So this is a glaring proof that the government of Social democracy hold the best good for the majority of peoples the world over.
In contemporary times in Nigeria only the Democratic Alternative Party -DA   under which umbrella Prince Frank Ukonga  who contested the Senate and the Edo governorship elections and presently to contest the Presidency in 2019 has a truly social democratic manifesto and great programs for  the majority of peoples in Nigeria. and if this political party come to power in Nigeria, the country will leap forward in great speed toward greatness.
Prince Frank Ukonga , a great social democrat, well schooled in the theory and practice of social democracy is planning to transform DA into one formidable platform to contest the 2019 presidential election in Nigeria; addressed to become the president of the Nigerian Federation in 2019 and to take Nigeria to the promised land of social democratic ideals and more. Whence this is a great opportunity ,for you to join hands with Prince Frank Ukonga to take Nigeria to the promise land.


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