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Edo LGA Polls- Progress 2018: CLASH OF THE TITANS :DA vs APC :The MARSHAL PLANS of DA to take Edo State to the Promise Land of Greatness:

Edo LGA Polls- DA vs APC- H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga -Nat Chairman Democratic Alternative call all  to vote for DA
Edo LGA Polls- Progress 2018: CLASH OF THE TITANS :DA vs APC :The MARSHAL PLANS of DA to take Edo State to the Promise Land of Greatness:
Dearest Fellow Compatriots: The Lunch gong is come; here we go again , to lock horns in another great battle of Local government polls in Edo state. The Day before H.E. Godwin Obaseki and H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga locked horns in the remarkable battle for the governorship seat of Edo state i n 2016...The amiable Prince of Kukuruku principalities and powers H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga lost out narrowly...but he is back with his team repackaged as Democratic Alternative Party-DA- determined more than ever to grab power and take Edo state to the promised land...
We at DA are fully on ground with 192 Councillors , 18 lga chairmen and 18 lga vice Chairman contesting the Edo state lga polls with a determination to grab power and take Edo state and her great citizens to the promised land flowing with the  best of best in creation...
We  offer the following promissory Notes if voted to power...
1] Free Education at all levels
2] create 2 million Jobs through our
3] Economic Revolution
4] Industrial Revolution
5] Agricultural Revolution
that would crate tremendous wealth to fund
6] Free and affordable healthcare for all
7]Total eradication of hunger and poverty
8] Accelerated quality infrastructural Development
9] Support for youth, women and the vulnerable
10]To raise the GDP of Edo state to the highest ever and create a civilization second to non in the entire history of Nigeria and Sub Saharan Africa...
Fellow Compatriots, the choice is yours either to vote for DA and liberate yourself from eternal slavery and usher your generations into opulence and prosperity or continue in your innocuous slumber of wearing your birthday suits to eternity...the choice is yours...the voter's cards in your hand can  make a big difference if only you use it wisely...Vote for DA..Vote for Progress, Vote for Liberation...gratitude...


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