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World News: 2019 Presidential Polls–DA-Democratic Alternative Party, Emerge the New Force as 25 Million Youth Org. NYAGG- {Nigeria Youth Advocacy for Good Governance} sign MOU with DA to captured Power in 2019.DA Emerge the New Force in Nigeria and Africa.

2019 POLLS: H.E. Frank Ukonga Explodes- DA is the New Force signs MOU with
World News: 2019 Presidential Polls–DA-Democratic Alternative Party, Emerge the New Force as 25 Million Youth Org. NYAGG- {Nigeria Youth Advocacy for Good Governance} sign MOU with DA to captured Power in 2019.DA Emerge the New Force in Nigeria and Africa.
Thisday, the 6th of March 2018, History was made in Nigeria as the over 25 Million Members of the NYAGG [Nigerian Youth Advocacy for Good Governance] adopts and endorse DA- Democratic Alternative as their platform to contest the 2019 presidential and general polls and signed an agreement with DA EXCO to support any candidate that emerged the DA Presidential, Governorship and Legislative candidates come 2019 general polls of the Nigerian federation…
The agreement between the President of NYAGG Comrade Sylvester Efe and the NEC of DA-Democratic Alternative- Represented by the National Chairman of DA- H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga was sign and sealed today in Abuja.
This singular Chess move of strategy makes DA the most formidable and leading Party in the Nigerian Federation in terms of Membership strength, in terms of Credibility and in terms of acceptability, in terms of marketability and in terms of acceptability and in terms of most credible to win the 2019 general polls of the Nigerian Federation.
It was a fantastic chess move brokered by highly place personalities, and shakers and movers of the political economy of the Nigerian federation to make sure that the genuine party dedicated to deliver the dividends of democracy to the peoples of Nigeria comes to power in 2019.
Gone are the days of game as usual.2019 is going to be different as the Youth of Nigeria have decided to grab power through democratic means by banking on the leadership of H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga and the Democratic Alternative Party- DA whom they believe are Just, Sincere, Upright, Prudent, Democratic and would come to Equity and set forth at dawn.
In his reply; H.E Prince Frank Ukonga signed the MOU of endorsements and adoption of 25 million Nigerian Youth Org. NYAGG for working together to produce the next Nigerian President on DA Platform and reiterated that DA is a political party ready to grab power now and in 2019 and called for all other pressure groups like the CNM of H.E. Chief Olusegun Obasanjo ,the CIN Dr Tafawa Balewa , and the LMN and all other Pressure groups and CLO,NGO  to collapse their  structures into DA as DA is the God Ordained party to rule Nigeria in 2019 and yonder.


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