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Showing posts from April, 2018


University of Benin Logo: H.E. Prince frank Ukonga delivered his lecture on the imperatives of Education to students of Uniben on 23ed March 2012 FRANK UKONGA LECTURE SERIES 4 THE IMPERATIVES OF FREE AND QUALITATIVE EDUCATION TO THE SUSTENANCE OF NASCENT DEMOCRATIC DISPENSATIONS IN AFRICA AND EMERGING DEMOCRACIES OF THE WORLD- -THE NIGERIAN PROJECT- Lecture delivered by H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga-Governorship Candidate of Edo State in the 2012 polls, to the University of Benin 3ed Annual Seminar Lecture, Held @ the Banquet Hall-University of Benin on the 23ed of March 2012 @ 12pm. My dearest Compatriots,   All protocols observed; I salute everybody present here today and those who have worked assiduously to making this occasion possible- The 3ed Annual University of Benin Seminar organised by the Students of the University. I am cognisance of the high esteem your have accorded my person by inviting me as the Special Guest of Honor to this great occasion… a statu

HOT NEWS:Rivers State LGA Election 2018: “DA presents 250 Candidates to grab power from H.E. Wike and PDP. Rivers State LGA polls is a two Horse Race: DA Vs PDP”, H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- D.A Nat. Chairman spits Fire.

INEC top official visit Rivers state office of Democratic Alternative -DA, Thy were received by the DA Rivers state chairman Comrade Johnbull Obrasau HOT NEWS:Rivers State LGA Election 2018: “DA presents 250 Candidates to grab power from H.E. Wike and PDP. Rivers State LGA polls is a two Horse Race: DA Vs PDP”, H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- D.A Nat. Chairman spits Fire. The Democratic Alternative Party is presenting 250 candidates for the River state local government election .23 Local Government Chairmen, 23 Vice chairmen and 204 councilors to contest the 2018 local government polls of River state with determination to win and move the great River state to higher grounds economically, industrially and much more basking on the policy thrust of Democratic Alternative to unleash industrial, economic and Agric Revolution Nationwide if voted to power. River state is the Economic basket of the Nigerian Federation very rich in Oil and gas. It is also the second largest in the cont

Hot News: Kaduna State LGA Election" VOTE FOR DA" Our Prerogative is to Develop Kaduna state.H.E Prince Frank Ukonga Nat Chairman of DA Explodes: Summon Hon Awesu Shehu Kassim DA Kaduna state Chairman to Abuja HQ of DA.

Vote for DA in the Kaduna State LGA Election; H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga - The National Chairman of Democratic Alternative Explodes. Hot News: Kaduna State LGA Election" VOTE FOR DA" Our Prerogative is to Develop Kaduna state.H.E Prince Frank Ukonga Nat Chairman of DA Explodes: Summon Hon Awesu Shehu Kassim DA Kaduna state Chairman to Abuja HQ of DA. H.E.Prince Frank Ukonga -the National Chairman of Democratic Alternative Party appeal to all the citizens of Kaduna state to Vote for DA in the 2018 Kaduna state Local Government election as DA is determined to develop Kaduna state to be the best state in Nigeria. Kaduna state with a population of 6.5 million peoples of which the youth are above 4 million is ideal to jump start the DA Industrial, Economic and Agric Revolution as the great youth force of Kaduna state if well harnessed would transform the Headquarters of the Northern Region to stand by her giant status. Kaduna state generates only 26.5 billion Naira IGR as

HOT News: Imo state LGA Election: “DA Battle Ready to oust H.E. Rochas Okorocha and APC” –H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA Nat Chairman Explodes; Summons DA Imo state chairman to Abuja for gameplan.

Vote for Democratic Alternative in Imo state LGA Election: H.E. Prince frank Ukonga Explodes HOT News: Imo state LGA Election: “DA Battle Ready to oust H.E. Rochas Okorocha and APC” –H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA Nat Chairman Explodes; Summons DA Imo state chairman to Abuja for gameplan. The Imo State LGA Election may spring surprises as the Democratic Alternative Party is putting together stratagems to oust H.E. Rochas Okorocha and his APC Party from Imo state for good. This fact was revealed to Newsmen in Abuja today by the DA National Chairman H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga. It is no secret that H.E. Rochas Okorocha is planning to install his in-law who is his chief of Staff as the next governor of Imo state basking on using the LGA polls to stabilize his in-law as the de facto next governor of Imo state come 2019 general elections of the Nigerian Federation. Some political parties are planning to boycott the election suspecting that it may not be free and fair. But DA does

HOT News: EMBs Conference: Abuja 2018: DA Nat Chairman H.E Prince Frank Ukonga laud INEC Chairman Prof. Mahmud Yakubu for showcasing the Successes and Challenges of Nigerian Democracy at the EMBs International Summit attended by more than 150 Delegates from all Continents the world

HOT News: EMBs Conference: Abuja 2018: DA Nat Chairman H.E Prince Frank Ukonga laud INEC Chairman Prof. Mahmud Yakubu for showcasing the Successes and Challenges of Nigerian Democracy at the EMBs International Summit attended by more than 150 Delegates from all Continents the world. H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA- Democratic Alternative National Chairman -commending INEC Chairman Professor Mahmud Yakubu for the success of Hosting More than 150 Important Delegates and EMBs from All Continents of the World in Transcorp Hilton Hotel .Abuja H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA Nat. Chairman and Top Brass of INEC -  Bar Mike Igini & Alhaji Gaidam @ EMBs Summit Abuja  It was a beehive of activities at the prestigious Transcorp Hilton Hotel Abuja when the INEC Chairman Prof. Mahmud Yakubu hosted virtually the entire international EMBs [Electoral Monitoring Bodies] of African Countries with remarkable representations form other continents of the world to discuss on contemporary impor

Ekiti- 2018 gov polls; H.E. Frank Ukonga DA Nat. Chairman Spits Fire: “H.E.Fayose , pls begin to write your Hand over Notes to DA”

Ekiti state governorship polls 2018, H.E Prince Frank Ukonga -DA-Democratic Alternative Nat. Chairman Spits Fire Ekiti- 2018 gov polls; H.E. Frank Ukonga DA Nat. Chairman Spits Fire: “H.E.Fayose , pls begin to write your Hand over Notes to DA”   Today was a beehive of activities at the Democratic Alternative Party National Secretariat Abuja as the NEC summoned the Ekiti state Chairman of DA- Democratic Alternative Party Hon. Toyin Esan to give him marching order to deliver Ekiti state to the new Mega force of Nigeria DA- Democratic Alternative Party. Ekiti state governorship election is a strategic election coming a few months to the general elections of the Nigerian Federation slated for next year 2019 as a litmus test to ascertain the strength of political parties in the Nigerian Federation and DA- Democratic Alternative is fully determined to grab the Ekiti State governorship seat into its kitty and govern Ekiti state as a Sin Qua non of the Shape of the future of t

Public Announcement: Nigeria 2019 Polls: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga National Chairman of DA-Explodes-“All the Youth & Women of Nigeria, go get your PVC [Voter’s Card] and Vote for DA in 2019 polls, it’s your passport to grab Power”

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga Nat Chairman of DA Democratic Alternative Party Explodes Public Announcement: Nigeria 2019 Polls: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga National Chairman of DA-Explodes-“All the Youth & Women of Nigeria, go get your PVC [Voter’s Card] and Vote for DA in 2019 polls, it’s your passport to grab Power” H.E.Prince Frank Ukonga the National Chairman of Democratic Alternative Party-DA a frontline political party in Nigeria speaking to Newsmen in his high-broad office in Maitama /Wuse 2 of Abuja the Federal Capital of the Nigerian Federation called on all the Youth, Women, Vulnerable, Pensioners and in fact on all the citizens of Nigeria to go and collect their voter’s card as it is the passport to grab power and vote in a government that would deliver the dividends of democracy to all and sundry in the polity. Democratic Alternative is dedicated to deliver on promises and set forth at dawn. He Said “Our prerogatives at DA- Democratic Alternative is to wake u

BREAKING NEWS: Nasarawa state LG Elections 2018: DA Tsunami storms Nasarawa State as DA NEC Summon Comrade Shauibu Musa Seidu chairman DA Nasarawa State to Abuja HQ for the grand plot to sweep the LG Polls.

Democratic Alternative party storms Nasarawa LG Election 2018 BREAKING NEWS: Nasarawa state LG Elections 2018: DA Tsunami storms Nasarawa State as DA NEC Summon Comrade Shauibu Musa   Seidu chairman DA Nasarawa State   to Abuja HQ for the grand plot to   sweep the LG Polls. It was a beehive of activities today in the National Headquarters of Democratic Alternative at the High broad DA Office in Maitama /Wuse2 when the NEC met with the leaders of the Democratic Alternative Party Nasarawa state to strategize on how Democratic Alternative party will sweep all the seats of the Chairmen and Councilors in the forth coming Local Government Election of Nasarawa State.  The National Chairman of Democratic Alternative Party H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga said that the grand design is hinged on the grass root mobilization of the electorate of Nasarawa state in particular the Youth, Women, Vulnerable and the Pensioners to flock over to Democratic Alternative under the solemn promissory no

Breaking News: Easter 2018 Message from H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga Nat. Chairman of DA- Democratic Alternative Party to all Nigerians and the peoples of the World.

Easter 2018 message from H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga-DA Nat Chairman Breaking News: Easter 2018 Message from H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga Nat. Chairman of DA- Democratic Alternative Party to all Nigerians and the peoples of the World. On the Behalf of the NEC, Board of Trustee and all Members of the Democratic Alternative Party-DA ;H.E. Prince frank Ukonga the National Chairman of DA, a registered and frontline political party in the Nigerian Federation greet all Nigerians and citizens of the world Happy Easter Seasons; admonishing all to emulate and follow the noble ideals in the teachings of the great Comet addressed to save mankind from eternal damnation but to redeem the Human Race through Repentance, Forgiveness and Salvation addressed to access eternity and life everlasting. Gratitude.