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HOT News: Imo state LGA Election: “DA Battle Ready to oust H.E. Rochas Okorocha and APC” –H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA Nat Chairman Explodes; Summons DA Imo state chairman to Abuja for gameplan.

Vote for Democratic Alternative in Imo state LGA Election: H.E. Prince frank Ukonga
HOT News: Imo state LGA Election: “DA Battle Ready to oust H.E. Rochas Okorocha and APC” –H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA Nat Chairman Explodes; Summons DA Imo state chairman to Abuja for gameplan.
The Imo State LGA Election may spring surprises as the Democratic Alternative Party is putting together stratagems to oust H.E. Rochas Okorocha and his APC Party from Imo state for good. This fact was revealed to Newsmen in Abuja today by the DA National Chairman H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga. It is no secret that H.E. Rochas Okorocha is planning to install his in-law who is his chief of Staff as the next governor of Imo state basking on using the LGA polls to stabilize his in-law as the de facto next governor of Imo state come 2019 general elections of the Nigerian Federation.
Some political parties are planning to boycott the election suspecting that it may not be free and fair. But DA does not boycott elections as a rule..We must set forth at dawn and fight as men; be it as it may. So DA is putting up the strategy of “General Sun Tsu of Formlessness and invincibility” backed with swiftness and elements of surprise to corner all the votes and oust APC, H.E. Gov Rochas Okorocha and his In-law from power in the 27 Local Govt Areas as a point de entrée and sin qua non of the shape of 2019 general elections in Imo state.
Imo state is a foremost state of the Nigerian Federation with a population of 5 million peoples and area of 5,2k square kilometers’ bordering the Niger/Imo River in the South, Anambra state to the North and River State… The greatest asset of Imo state are the vibrant citizens of the state , large youth work force of above 3,5million youth well educated  and are currently checking out of the state to seek greener pastures all over the world. These advantages is ideal for the take off of the DA policy thrust of industrial, Economic and Agric revolution addressed to re position Imo state as the leading industrial giant of Nigeria and Sub Saharan Africa.
Imo state is rich in Oil and gas, with other highly invaluable minerals of Aluminum, and mineral of heavy and unstable octets as barium, uranium etc this are all great assets that DA if voted to power will harness to the benefits of the peoples of the great Imo state. Imo state also has Iron Ferrous Metals washed out by the volcanic earth movement of yore along the Niger Imo through and rich alluvia suitable for farming. Tourism is also a very rich industry that DA would harness to raise the GDP of Imo state to all time high. Currently Imo state targets’ to general 100 million Naira as IGR Monthly for the 2017/2018 fiscal year which would accrue to 1.2 billion Naira annually and this puts Imo state as one of the poorest state generating very insignificant IGR as compared to Lagos state with comparative resources generating over 500billion Naira in the 2017 /2018 fiscal year. DA if voted to power plan to generate above N150 billion Naira annually from IGR in Imo and re position the state as a leading economic giant in Nigeria and Sub Saharan Africa. We plan to create over 2 million direct jobs and over 3 million jobs in the downstream sectors of Imo Economy. Imo state would benefit from DA Marshal Plan of dredging the River Niger and building canals from the river that can take large ships as in the Panama Canal. Imo would have a large sea port and become the gateway to the East of Nigeria as well as the countries of the Bights of Biafra and Gulf of Guinea.
We plan to build refineries, steel mills to generate liquid steel in Imo, to build rolling mills and encourage FDI.
The great peoples of Imo state you have a choice either to Vote for DA- Democratic Alternative party that is determined to liberate you from eternal shackles of want, poverty, slavery and from the jaws of Rochas Okorocha and his APC of strange bedfellows or continue in your innocuous slumber of wearing your birthday suites…The choice is yours. But if you vote DA to power in Imo state we offer the following promissory notes: Free Education at all Levels, Housing for all, Jobs for All, food for all, pro active Healthcare for all, Industrial, Economic and Agric Revolution, accelerated quality infrastructural development, to link all towns in Imo state with good roads and railways, drinking water for all, good Hospitals, schools etc. Vote for DA the post modern party determined to take Imo state and Nigeria to the promised land of great civilization of all times. Gratitude.


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