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BREAKING NEWS: Nasarawa state LG Elections 2018: DA Tsunami storms Nasarawa State as DA NEC Summon Comrade Shauibu Musa Seidu chairman DA Nasarawa State to Abuja HQ for the grand plot to sweep the LG Polls.

Democratic Alternative party storms Nasarawa LG Election 2018
BREAKING NEWS: Nasarawa state LG Elections 2018: DA Tsunami storms Nasarawa State as DA NEC Summon Comrade Shauibu Musa  Seidu chairman DA Nasarawa State  to Abuja HQ for the grand plot to  sweep the LG Polls.
It was a beehive of activities today in the National Headquarters of Democratic Alternative at the High broad DA Office in Maitama /Wuse2 when the NEC met with the leaders of the Democratic Alternative Party Nasarawa state to strategize on how Democratic Alternative party will sweep all the seats of the Chairmen and Councilors in the forth coming Local Government Election of Nasarawa State. 
The National Chairman of Democratic Alternative Party H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga said that the grand design is hinged on the grass root mobilization of the electorate of Nasarawa state in particular the Youth, Women, Vulnerable and the Pensioners to flock over to Democratic Alternative under the solemn promissory notes that DA is determined to deliver the dividends of Democracy to all the citizens of Nasarawa State and transform the agrarian State to an industrialized state of Agro Allied industrial giant within the next few months if elected to power…We target to create above 2 million direct jobs in Nasarawa state and over 5 million jobs in the downstream sector economy hinged on the DA policy thrust of Economic, Industrial and Agric revolution.
The high light of the game plan of DA Nasarawa storm is hinged on the proximity of Nasarawa state to the FCT and this advantage we plan to maximize by attracting blue Chips Companies, Banks, and even foreign companies to relocate their headquarters to Nasarawa state and create a post modern megalopolis stretching from Nyanya at the FCT borders to Lafia the Nasarawa state Capital and yonder. This strategy would raise the IGR –Internally Generated Revenue to above N300 billion annually and would raise the Allocation to IGR Ratio to above 70% which would be one of the highest in Nigeria and Sub Saharan Africa. And from this ingenious stratagem DA if voted to power, would be able to raise Developmental Finance through an ingenious Schumpeterian economic theory of saving about 35% of the GDP of the state and through the issuance of Nasarawa state Saving certificates as coupon discountable vouchers  redeemable at maturation with appreciable tithes ; which would raise the savings to GDP Ratio to above 40% and would be the highest in Nigeria and Sub Saharan Africa [Note that Nigeria has the lowest Savings /GDP Ratio in Sub Saharan Africa put at less than 12 %..the average saving to GDP Ratio of other countries of Sub Saharan Africa is about 25%]....this would be a new record that would accelerate the prosperity of Nasarawa state to all times high…and we shall bask on this advantage to initiate and fund Capital Expenditures, Recurrent Expenditures and Social Spending which are the major components of the state budget without going a borrowing or taking any loan…
Whence this is a clarion call to all the citizens of Nasarawa state to vote enmass for DA in the forth coming local government elections, as we offer the following promissory notes:
Free Education at all levels, jobs for all, food for all, proactive healthcare for all, accelerated infrastructural development, industrial, economic and Agric Revolution, and much more… Vote for Democratic Alternative Party…We promise not to let you down, we promise to set forth at down. Gratitude.


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