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HOT News: EMBs Conference: Abuja 2018: DA Nat Chairman H.E Prince Frank Ukonga laud INEC Chairman Prof. Mahmud Yakubu for showcasing the Successes and Challenges of Nigerian Democracy at the EMBs International Summit attended by more than 150 Delegates from all Continents the world

HOT News: EMBs Conference: Abuja 2018: DA Nat Chairman H.E Prince Frank Ukonga laud INEC Chairman Prof. Mahmud Yakubu for showcasing the Successes and Challenges of Nigerian Democracy at the EMBs International Summit attended by more than 150 Delegates from all Continents the world.

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA- Democratic Alternative National Chairman -commending INEC Chairman Professor Mahmud Yakubu for the success of Hosting More than 150 Important Delegates and EMBs from All Continents of the World in Transcorp Hilton Hotel .Abuja

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA Nat. Chairman and Top Brass of INEC - Bar Mike Igini & Alhaji Gaidam @ EMBs Summit Abuja
 It was a beehive of activities at the prestigious Transcorp Hilton Hotel Abuja when the INEC Chairman Prof. Mahmud Yakubu hosted virtually the entire international EMBs [Electoral Monitoring Bodies] of African Countries with remarkable representations form other continents of the world to discuss on contemporary important challenges of conducting election in particular with focus on “The Opportunities and Challenges in the use of Technology in Election”
The Event was chaired by the Chairman of the INEC of Nigeria who is also the President of ECONEC  {ECOWAS Network of Electoral Commissions }Professor Mahmud Yakubu who used the occasion to showcase the successes of the Nigerian Democratic Dispensation  to  the whole  world ,by inviting top brass of INEC in Nigeria as well as Chairmen of political parties of the Nigerian Federation to grace the remarkable occasion. The political parties were led into the event by Hon. Lawal Nalado the IPAC National Chairman and also the National Chairman of Accord Party, H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga National Chairman of DA- Democratic Alternative ,Emmanuel Agbo –Deputy Nat Sec. PDP, Dr Abdul Isiaq Deputy National Chairman of SDP, Alhaji Ganiyu Galadima Nat. Chairman ACPN, Bar Kenneth Udezie Nat. Chairman AA, Alhaji Boboi Nat. Chairman Kowa Party, Rev Olusegun Peter Nat Chairman DPC, Dr. Sam Eke Nat. Chairman Green Party of Nigeria ,and many other Nat chairmen of parties graced the great event. Among the Top INEC Brass that graced the occasion includes Barrister Mike Igini, Alhaji Gaidam, and all the state Commissioners of INEC attended… The CSOs were well represented. General Ishola Williams was present as a moderator

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA-Democratic Alternative Nat Chairman with Delegates from China @ the EMBs international conference in Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja

The event was co chaired by the EU Ambassador to Nigeria and the ECOWAS H.E. H.E Ketil Karlsen. While the Executive Director European Center for Election Support [ECES] Mr. Fabio Barglacchi was in attendance. General Francis Behanzin Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security of ECOWAS Commission attended .Adv.NotembiaTjiapuena Chair person Electoral Commissions Forum, Southern African Development Community and Chairperson of EC Namibia also graced the summit. Mrs. Monica Fransoni-  President European Center for Electoral Support [ECES].
EMBs from many African countries attended. ICT Experts from Africa, China, USA, EU, Asia etc graced the occasion.

Frm Right; Bar Kenneth Udezie Nat. Chairman AA, Dr Sam Eke Nat Chairman GPN,H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga Nat. Chairman DA, Alhaji Ganiyu Galadima Nat. Chairman ACPN and Rev Segun Peters Nat Chairman DPC

Several topics on the use of technology in elections as it concerns collating results, election management, staff recruitment, voting, result collation and transmission and much more were exhaustively discussed to enriched the knowledge of all participants and the third day the participants had a break out session of three groups to discuss on the nutty gritty of majour topics of the event and come out with a standard paper that would tackle the challenges of the use of technology in elections in the African continent.

Frm Left:Bar Kenneth Udezie Nat. Chairman AA,H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga Nat. Chairman DA,  Dr Sam Eke Nat Chairman GPN,Alhaji Ganiyu Galadima Nat. Chairman ACPN and Rev Segun Peters Nat Chairman DPC

The National Chairman of Democratic Alternative Party DA, H.E. Prince frank Ukonga speaking to Newsmen at the event Said “ On the behalf of all members of Democratic Alternative Party- DA, we commend INEC chairman Professor Mahmud Yakubu and all the top brass of Electoral Monitoring Bodies of Africa- EMBs , Ambassador of the European Union to Nigeria and the ECOWAS H.E.Ketil Karlsen  and the ECF-SADC - Southern Africa Development Community for putting up this great event to showcase the successes and challenges of democratic dispensation in the Africa continent and in particular the challenges of the use of modern technology in the conduct of elections. This event would further strengthen the ability of EMBs to conduct free, fair, and credible elections in the African continent which would have a multiplier effect in the entrenchment of genuine democratic dispensation in Africa and impact positively on economic growth, development, peace and security of the Continent”.. “We are most elated and gratified at DA for the opportunity to be part of this Milestone. It is laudable.” The amiable Prince Frank Ukonga concluded

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA- Nat Chairman and Alhaji Nalado Lawal IPAC Chairman /Accord party chairman and Alhaji Boboi Nat. Chairman Kowa Party 

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA- Nat Chairman and Alhaji Nalado Lawal IPAC Chairman /Accord party chairman and Alhaji Boboi Nat. Chairman Kowa Party 

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA- Nat Chairman and Alhaji Manga- Nat Sec ACD 

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA- Nat Chairman and Dr Jef Ojinika Nat. Chairman C4C

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA-Democratic Alternative Party Nat Chairman @ the EMBs international conference .Transcorp Hilton Hotel Abuja. 

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA Nat. Chairman and Top Brass of INEC -Bar Mike Igini & Alhaji Gaidam @ EMBs Summit Abuja

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative Party with Alhaji Ganiyu Galadima- National Chairman of ACPN

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga -National Chairman of DA- Democratic Alternative Party Laud INEC Chairman Prof. Mahmud Yakubu for the success of EMBS International conference in Transcorp Hilton Hotel Abuja.


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