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Showing posts from May, 2018

Democracy Day Message from H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga –National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative to all the citizens of Nigeria.

Democracy Day Message of the National Chairman Democratic Alternative -DA H.E.Prince Frank Ukonga to all Nigerians Democracy Day   Message from H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga –National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative to all the citizens of Nigeria. This day May 29 th 2018 is the 19 th anniversary celebrations of the transition from Military rule in 1999 to democratic governance of the Nigerian Federation and we commend all stakeholders and the peoples of Nigeria for being able to sustain this dispensation despite the truculence and challenges of the past 19 years. It is pertinent to say that we indeed have something to celebrate as Nigerians have achieved this milestone despite critiques and purveyors of doom predicting that Nigeria would break up, we remained united as one Nation with one destiny and pushed forward as the giant of Africa economically, industrially and otherwise. We commend all stakeholders and citizens of the polity for these remarkable giant strides.

Breaking News: EU/NIPSS Workshop: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga –Nat. Chairman of DA- lauds the EU/NIPSS for their support to the development of Democracy in Nigeria and Sub Saharan Africa.

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative with Mr.Rudolf Elbling of ECES/EU Breaking News: EU/NIPSS Workshop: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga –Nat. Chairman of DA- lauds the EU/NIPSS for their support to the development of Democracy in Nigeria and Sub Saharan Africa. The review and Signing of the new IPAC –(Inter Party Advisory Council ) Code of Conduct which is a document to upscale the ethics and code of conduct of political parties before, on and after elections in Nigeria addressed to foster positive inter party relations was recently held in Abuja the seat of government of the Nigerian Federation. The remarkable event held at the prestigious Nicon Luxury Hotel was sponsored by the EU-European Union ECES and the NIPSS- National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies. Speaking with gentlemen of the press at the event H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga the National Chairman of DA- Democratic Alternative Party lauded the contributions of the European Uni

STOP PRESS: Ekiti- 2018: DA Tsunami storms Ekiti state as H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga Nat. Chairman DA Flag off Hon. Mrs. Olajumoke Saheed DA guber candidate Ekiti guber polls 2018

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga flags' off Hon . Mrs. Olajumoke Saheed- DA-Democratic Alternative guber candidate in the Ekiti guber polls 2018 H.E Prince Frank Ukonga DA-Nat. Chair flag's off Mrs Olajumoke Saheed  DA-Democratic Alternative  guber candidate in the Ekiti guber polls 2018   STOP PRESS: Ekiti- 2018: DA Tsunami storms Ekiti state as H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga Nat. Chairman DA Flag off Hon. Mrs. Olajumoke Saheed DA guber candidate Ekiti guber polls 2018 Today was a great joy to all the peoples of Ekiti state as Democratic Alternative party flagged off the campaign for the governorship polls of Ekiti state in Ado Ekiti the state capital. H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga the National Chairman of DA handed the DA flag to the Gubernatorial candidate who is a beautiful woman, a chartered Accountant and graduate of Ekiti State University, Hon. Mrs. Olajumoke Saheed giving her and her deputy Engineer Sunday Dada and the state’s chairman of DA Hon. Toyin Esan marching orde

WORLD NEWS: EKITI Guber polls 2018: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga Nat. Chairman of DA Explodes on DA- Marshal Plans for Ekiti state of Nigeria if voted to power.

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA-Democratic Alternative Nat. Charman Explodes on DA Plans to industrialize Ekiti State. WORLD NEWS: EKITI Guber polls 2018: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga Nat. Chairman of DA Explodes on DA- Marshal Plans for Ekiti state of Nigeria if voted to power.   Ekiti state with a population of 2.4 million peoples, 16 LGA, Land Mass of 6,353 square kilometers located at the North Eastern flanks of the Western Region is one of the most endowed states of the Nigerian federation. The youth constitute more than 65% of population put at about 1.8 million youth highly educated and industrious. But for lack of purposeful leadership Ekiti state has remained since her creation by the late General Sani   Abacha in 1996 underdeveloped. DA -DEMOCRATIC ALTERNATIVE MARSHAL PLANS FOR EKITI STATE 1. Agricultural Revolution: Ekiti state was renowned to produce above 40% of the cocoa product of western Region in the halcyon days of regional government and also produces ove

HOT NEWS: EKITI 2018: DA Tsunami storms Ekiti state as DA Present a Lady Accountant Mrs. Zainab Olajumoke Saheed for Governor and an Engineer Mr. Sunday Dada for Deputy Governor: They are tested &Trusted Dynamic youths.

Ekiti guber polls 2018: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- National Chairman of DA- Democratic Alternative Party urge all the citizens of Ekiti state to vote for DA HOT NEWS: EKITI 2018: DA Tsunami storms Ekiti state as DA Present a Lady Accountant Mrs. Zainab Olajumoke Saheed for Governor and an Engineer Mr. Sunday Dada for Deputy Governor: They are tested &Trusted Dynamic youths. The Democratic Alternative Party DA is committed to the transfer of power from the old school to the youthful young breed as we believe that power should change hands to the youth and women. We have fulfilled one of our cardinal ideologies by fielding a youth of age of 36 yrs and a Lady for Governor of Ekiti state in person of the brain and beauty accountant Mrs. Zainab Olajumoke Saheed and Mr. Dada Sunday Lawrence a young Engineer of 40 years for Deputy Governor. The team has been tested in their various fields and they won the DA governorship Primaries conducted on the 12 th of May 2018 in Ado Ek

STOP PRESS: Ekiti Governorship Primaries 2018: Top Business woman and Accountant Hon. Mrs. Zainab Olajumoke Saheed Emerge DA Ekiti State guber Candidate; H.E Prince Frank Ukonga - DA Nat. Chairman congratulate her and admonish Ekiti citizens to vote DA to power.

Ekit state guber primaries 2018; woman emerge DA -Democratic Alternative Party candidate Ekiti gov polls. H.E. Prince frank Ukonga admonish Ekiti State citizens to vote DA to power STOP PRESS: Ekiti Governorship Primaries 2018: Top Business woman and Accountant Hon. Mrs. Zainab Olajumoke Saheed Emerge DA Ekiti State guber Candidate; H.E Prince Frank Ukonga - DA Nat. Chairman congratulate her and admonish Ekiti citizens to vote DA to power. The Democratic Alternative Party held primaries on  Saturday the 12th of May 2018 in Ekiti state to chose her governorship candidate in the Ekiti state governorship polls slated for July 2018. A Business woman Hon. Mrs Zainab Olajumoke Saheed emerged the DA candidate in the primaries held in Ado Ekiti. Many National leaders and some state chairmen of Democratic Alternative party attended the primaries.H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga  the National Chairman of DA was in Ado Ekiti the capital of Ekiti state of the Nigerian Federation to grace the re

WORLD NEWS:1st May 2018 Worker's Day Message of H.E. Prince frank Ukonga - National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative Party- Explodes on the STRATAGEMS of DA to take Nigeria to the Promise Land of Greatness,Unparalleled Prosperity,Peace,Love,Unity and to position Nigeria as one of Top 10 most Industrialized and Economic giant of World by 2025.We Target Generating 50,000MW Electricity and Produce Liquid steel to Jump Start the Agric,Industrial and Economic Revolution which will Create over 30 Million Jobs,and Raise the GNP to Over $2,5 Trillion Dollars,- If Vote into Power."- An Empirical Appraisal:

1st May Day Message 2018 of H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga - National Chairman Democratic Alternative Party -DA- to all Nigerians and All workers of the World WORLD NEWS:1st May 2018 worker's Day Message of H.E. Prince frank Ukonga - National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative Party- Explodes on the  STRATAGEMS of  DA to take Nigeria to the Promise Land of Greatness,Unparalleled Prosperity,Peace,Love,Unity and to position Nigeria as one of Top 10 most Industrialized and Economic giant of World by 2025.We Target Generating 50,000MW Electricity and Produce Liquid steel to Jump Start the Agric,Industrial and Economic Revolution which will Create over 30 Million Jobs,and Raise the GNP to Over $2,5 Trillion Dollars,- If Vote into Power."- An Empirical Appraisal: Fellow Compatriots, H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga on the behalf of the National Executive Committee[NEC] of DA-Democratic Alternative Party and on the behalf of the [BOT] Board of Trustee of DA and all the members of Dem