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WORLD NEWS: EKITI Guber polls 2018: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga Nat. Chairman of DA Explodes on DA- Marshal Plans for Ekiti state of Nigeria if voted to power.

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga DA-Democratic Alternative Nat. Charman Explodes on DA Plans to industrialize Ekiti State.
WORLD NEWS: EKITI Guber polls 2018: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga Nat. Chairman of DA Explodes on DA- Marshal Plans for Ekiti state of Nigeria if voted to power.
 Ekiti state with a population of 2.4 million peoples, 16 LGA, Land Mass of 6,353 square kilometers located at the North Eastern flanks of the Western Region is one of the most endowed states of the Nigerian federation. The youth constitute more than 65% of population put at about 1.8 million youth highly educated and industrious. But for lack of purposeful leadership Ekiti state has remained since her creation by the late General Sani  Abacha in 1996 underdeveloped.
1. Agricultural Revolution: Ekiti state was renowned to produce above 40% of the cocoa product of western Region in the halcyon days of regional government and also produces over 50% of wood and other agricultural products as cola nuts, cassava, palm oil, palm kernel, yam, etc. What has happened to these past glories of Ekiti state? Our plans at DA- Democratic Alternative Party is to bring back this lost glories by investing heavily in Agriculture through the production of cash crops and food crops with focus on export drive to other continents of Europe, Asia ,America etc..
2. Mining and Industrial Revolution: Ekiti state is blessed with highly invaluable mineral resources  among which includes  granite, kaolin, columbite, channockete, iron ore, barite, aquamine, gemstone, phosphate, limestone, GOLD among others. They are largely deposited in different towns and villages of Ijero, Ekiti West, Ado - Ekiti, Ikole, Ikere, Ise-Ekiti and other Local Government Areas. The combination of the endowment of Ekiti state is suitable for Industrial Revolution. And the following industries are what we intend to establish if voted to power.- Cement Manufacturing , iron and steel complex to produce liquid steel, rolling mills, quarry, Tiles and ceramic, Cocoa processing industries, palm oil producing industries, palm kernel processing industries, Cassava processing industries, pharmaceutical and drug manufacturing industries, Gold mining and  processing companies, Water and beer bottling, canning, Food and beverages producing industries, Textile, asbestos and aluminum producing companies, Mining and processing of Barite for exports to earn foreign exchange..etc this will raise the GDP of Ekiti state to all time high at above 2 trillion Naira and would create more than 3 million jobs. Peoples would migrate from other parts of the world to share in Ekiti state novae prosperity if DA is voted to power come July 14h governorship polls 2018.
3. Economic Revolution: Trade & Commerce and Banking: The location of Ekiti state at the North Eastern flanks of western Region and close to the heart and center of Nigeria bothered by Kogi state Edo state, Ondo state makes the state a gateway state to the North and Eastern parts of the Nigerian federation..This is a great advantage we shall harness at DA – Democratic Alternative Party to launch a big economic Revolution. Ekiti state would be transformed into a warehousing and bulk selling point for all manufacturers and importers in Nigeria and sub Saharan Africa. Trade and Commerce will bring great glories to this beautifully located state with good hospitable well educated peoples. Ekiti state will have its own Stock Exchange Market. Ekiti state will have a dry Dock port.
4. Energy, Electricity generation and Distribution: Ekiti state is ell endowed with great rivers and waterfalls highly invaluable for hydro electricity generation and distribution and the barite mineral which Ekiti state has in abundance has isotopes of unstable electron octets as heavy metals and this could be tapped to general energy and also generate electricity from thermal concepts. We target at DA to produce and feed the National grid  with more than 15,000MW of electricity from Ekiti axis.
5. Free Education at all Levels: Ekiti state people love Education and they are among the states of Nigeria with highly educated people. We shall continue these glories of Ekiti state to high altitudes by bringing in more schools, universities, institutes etc. Ekiti state would be transformed to center of Learning if DA is voted to power.
6. Accelerated Infrastructural Development: We shall build good roads, schools, Bridges, Airports,  etc
7. Healthcare: DA will build Hospitals in each of the 16 lga and other health centers in all the towns of Ekiti state
8. Housing: We shall build estates and modern Houses for all the peoples of Ekiti state if voted to power.
9. Tourism: We shall invest in tourism as Ekiti state is richly blessed in tourist attraction and we shall build 5 star hotels to boost the industry.
10: Job Creation: By the time we embark on the Agricultural, Industrial and Economic Revolution it would create over 3 million direct jobs and above 4 million jobs in its downstream sectors of Ekiti State..
Conclusion: On the behalf of the NEC of DA- Democratic Alternative Party and all members of DA in Nigeria and the Diaspora, the National Chairman of Democratic Alternative H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga appeal to all the great citizens of the remarkable Ekiti state to Vote DA to power in Ekiti state governorship election come July 14th 2018 and to vote DA in all other elections. We promise not to let you down and to set forth at dawn.
Long Live Ekiti State, Long Live the Nigerian Federation.


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