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GLOBAL NEWS:"June 12, National Democracy Day Message of H.E.Prince Frank Ukonga -Nat Chairman of DA to all Nigerians and the Black Race

H.E.Prince Frank Ukonga Commend President Buhari for making June 12
the New Democracy Day for Nigeria- Basorun MKO Abiola was officially
declared winner and honoured posthumously
GLOBAL NEWS:"June 12, National Democracy Day Message of H.E.Prince Frank Ukonga -Nat Chairman of DA to all Nigerians and the Black Race 
"DA-Democratic Alternative Party is The Continuation of MKO Abiola's Ideals HOPE '93 in the 21st Century-We call on all Nigerians to Join and Vote for DA ":
There has been no other Political Party in Nigeria or any group of persons or institution in Nigeria that has projected the noble ideals of June 12 for the past 25 years as much as DA- Democratic Alternative .We had been on the neck of the various governments from the 1994 to this-day in the struggles to actualize the ideology and programs of HOPE '93 of Basorun MKO Abiola.
More-so through our various publications we had said it loud and clear that the authentic Democracy Day for Nigeria, the African Continent and that of the Black Race the world over is June 12- which we call the Freedom Day for the Black Race.
When you hear any body mention or talk about DA- Democratic Alternative party know that Basorun MOK Abiola is alive...As DA- is the projection and the continuation of Basorun MKO Abiola's Noble ideals in the 21 Century for Nigerians, African and the entire Black Race in creation.
The Reason de entree of DA-Democratic Alternative is to actualize the Noble Ideals of Basorun MKO Abiola in Hope '93 crested on four points Agenda of Free Education for all, Reparations for Africans and the Black Race,Health for All and Economic, Agric & Industrial Revolution.And that is exactly the Four points Agenda of DA -which we have been publishing in all Newspapers, Social Network Media, Radio, Television, posters, banners etc...
Virtually all the leaders of DA- Democratic Alternative including especially the National Chairman of DA H.E.Prince Frank Ukonga were in the MKO Abiola's Team Hope '93. And when the election was annulled albeit it was the freest, most credible election in Nigerian History till date H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga continued to propagate the noble ideals of June 12 and was arrested, tortured and detained by the powers there be in the then truculent era of Nigerian history.H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga wrote a world best selling book on Reparations for the Black Race and has published numerous articles and researched extensively on the topic in support of Basorun MKO Abiola's Reparations Movement.
On the behalf of all those that believe in June 12 we thank President Mohammadu Buhari for doing the needful and immortalizing June 12 as Democracy Day and honoring the winner of the June 12 election His Excellency Basorun MKO Abiola as a President of the Nigerian Federation.
In this context we appeal that Basorun MKO Abiola's pictures be hanged among the recognized Presidents of Nigeria in all Museums, town Halls and Halls of Fame.
It would be a dis service to the person of Basorun MKO Abiola if we do not mention the truth at this cross road of Nigerian History to tell the world that most of his associates in the defunct SDP but for a few betrayed June 12.
We need to observe a minute silence for Basorun MKO Abiola , Chief Alfred Rewanie, Mrs Simbiat Abiola and all the martyrs of June 12. for they did not died in vain.They died for us to be free.We must continuously be grateful to the sages of June 12, stoic men as Chief Abraham Adesanya, Chief Kokori etal. for they stood their grounds for us to be liberated.
Secondly we should quickly alert that the real people that struggled for June 12 actualization were the peoples not being honored today. These were the stoic Pan Africanists among whom include H.E. Walter Carrington a former US Ambassador to Nigeria, EPG [ Eminent Person's Group] on Reparation among whom include Mrs Margaret Vogt- the DG -EPG, late Professor Alli Mazuri, Prof Maumadu Barr, Prof Ade Ajayi,Prof Rex Little and many others including my humble self Prince Frank Ukonga. These set of peoples formed the rational ideological Think Tank of the Hope '93 and they were not politicians but intellectuals that gave the HOPE '93- Homogeneity in ideological novelty ,orientations and interpretations on a global scale in accordance with the dissertations of Franz Fanon and Antonio Gransci the erudite intelligentsia of Latin America.- And they were indeed the CORE of Hope ' 93.It is important that they be honored, if we indeed want to redress the wounds of yore.
Lastly we greet all Nigerians Happy Democracy Day. Gratitude.


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