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Lecture delivered by H.E Prince Frank Ukonga- On the 6th of June 1993 on the occasion of the Reparation Campaign Rally in Support of the Presidential Ambition of Basorun MKO Abiola for the Presidency of the Nigerian Federation ,Held at the Nigerian Institute of Journalism ,Ogba, Lagos. & The launching of the book- The Seething World – Reparations for the black Race – A functional Approach- written by Prince Frank Ukonga, President of the Association for Development And Reparations for Africa [ADARA]

H.E. Basorun MKO Abiola -President Elect of Nigeria and H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- National Chairman of Democratic Alternative- DA

Lecture delivered by H.E Prince Frank  Ukonga- On the 6th of June 1993 on the occasion of the Reparation Campaign Rally in Support of the Presidential Ambition of Basorun MKO Abiola for the Presidency of the Nigerian Federation ,Held at the Nigerian Institute of Journalism ,Ogba, Lagos. & The launching of the book- The Seething World – Reparations for the black Race – A functional Approach- written by Prince Frank  Ukonga, President of the Association for Development And Reparations for Africa [ADARA]
Chairman, Distinguished Participants and Fellow Compatriots,
I acknowledge the presence of the following personalities in attendance: Chairman of the occasion :President Ibrahim Gbadamosi Babangida Represented by Admiral Oduoye- Chief of Naval Staff- Armed Forces Ruling Council [AFRC] of the Nigerian Federation. Deputy Chairman Group Captain Ajibulu Sulaimon-Director of Training & logistics ,Nigerian Air Force, Maj. Jide Ajibola rd. [Nigerian Army] Prince Olajide Abegunde, Chief Kunle Shogbegede,Special Guest of Honor: Basorun MKOAbiola [The Are Ona Kakanfo of the Yoruba Nation of Oduduwa], Alhaji Abdulraman Okene -Chairman Arewa Nation Consultative Forum, Father of the Day – Chief Gabriel Onaivi Ukonga- The Okomayin of Igarra & Former Controller General of Accounts Nigerian Military Complex [ My Father], Representative of Yoruba -Afenifere and OPC, Representative of Igbo Nation-Ohanaezie , others: Students,[NANS-representative],Market women Associations, National Association of Road Transport workers ,Diplomats, Journalists, Pressmen, Intellectuals, workers unions etc.
My lecture is addressed to acquaint you with the historical and dialectical significance of our demands for reparations for the damages inflicted on the Black Race by the white Race and the colonial imperialist lasting a period of more than 500 years in human History.
The white Race, starting from the Portuguese, Dutch, British, United States, Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden and the entire European Union as well as many Arab Nations forcibly removed able men and women from the soils of Africa [Peace loving people, who never offended them] to slave in America and Europe under chains and most denigrating conditions ever conceived by mankind, as the beast of burden to build the western civilization.
The present glories of the western civilization were built by the blood and sweat of the black slave of fortune. On the enslavements and dastadious violation of the Black Race on a global basis.
More than 500 million able men and women were plucked in their prime from mother Africa to slave in plantations and factories, used as the scourge of the earth, denigrated and humiliated and in many cases killed by their oppressors all for a singular economic reason of building wealth and prosperity for their own Nations using unpaid slave labor. The situation is despicable and a bad case in Race Relations.
They did not stop at that, they followed with the bestiality of colonization, looting the wealth of the entire Africa and killing and destroying the great glories of the empires of the entire African people. Looting all the gold bullions, and bars, all the diamonds, minerals as well as human resources. Destroying all the features of our formidable African institutions and primordial legacies and loyalties. Looting all the works of Art, Artifacts, and all valuable conceptions, being and essence of our superlative and qualitative African civilization and supplanting it with decadence.
They Raped mother Africa in a larceny that will terrify Chiron -de Centurion!! - they continued another neo-colonialist slavery of economic, cultural and technological imperialism that is with us today and perhaps will be our faith till the end of the 21st century unless we do something drastic to stop them.
And that is why Africa is poor and they Europe and America are rich]. This lecture is out to prove the scientific instances for the justification of our demands for Reparations costs to be paid to Africans at home and in Diaspora. The laws of production relations have proved beyond doubts that this impudence was purely economical as it conforms to all the Laws of Karl Marx as developed by Franz Fanon and Antonio Gramsci. Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King Jnr and Malcolm X also noted this economic undertone.
Basorun MKOAbiola [Chairman of EPG [Eminent Persons Group on Reparations] offers the following observations:
“Today many of the problems afflicting Africans and Blacks in Diaspora are the direct results of the damages done by slavery, colonization and imperialism without reparations these problems cannot be solved. Just like a man whose leg has been broken cannot walk much less run until the damage has been put right and his wound healed”
This simplistic but highly intellectual and dialectical simile drawn by Basorun Abiola summarizes the plight of all black people on a global basis and proffers its solution.
In the United States of America Black children are likely to end up in jail than go to college. Blacks are relegated to live in ghettos and slums with all the doors of opportunity slammed.
In Latin America of Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina Blacks are hounded and killed in all the streets of Bones Ares, Bogotá and Bahamas. And yet it is our gold, blood and sweats that built these great cites of western civilization.
Our Game Plan is to position Basorun MKO Abiola the leader of Reparations movement as the Executive President of the Nigerian Federation. He is determined to lead the entire black race out of the wood and lead the Black Race into the 21st century with Nigeria in front pulling the rest of Africa and the entire population of Blacks in America and Diaspora behind and along. The Game Plan is to make Nigeria into a Super power Nation [economically and militarily] with modern powerful defense initiative that can face any other Nation on land air and sea!
Basorun Abiola will begin a MARSHAL PLAN for rapid development of Africa and assist Blacks in Diaspora. There will be mass exodus of Black people from the western world back to Africa; engineers, Doctors, bankers, experts, funds and investments for rapid development of Africa.
Basorun MKO Abiola is a great son of Africa that the entire world respects immensely. The United States classified his intelligent Quotient as one of the 1% of the world population. And that he is the product of the finest mould in human creation. A person in this cartegory determines their own salary in any corporation he works and must be the leader as well as have a sizable percent of stocks of the company. His name open doors in the most exclusive circles of the world and this is one of the greatest gift of God to Africa at this juncture to lead Africa out of the wood into the world of Economic and social prosperity.
This book we are launching here today is one of the greatest books ever written on earth in the context of Research and Development, scientifically into Race Relations and many other vexing topics of our contemporary time addressed to guide, shield and direct our journey to the Promised Land. We bequeath this book to the movement of Basorun MKO Abiola as a reference book of instructions, as a book to motivate and as a sword to fight on, to deliver the Black Race from exploitation of the imperialists on a global basis.
It is given as a simile of the Prof. Wole Shoyinka’s Translation of the great improvisations of T.S Fagunwa of the “Forest of a Thousand Demons’; where the seven hunters were armed and given the mission to go into the evil forest of millions of demons to conquer and solve all the problems that bedevil the Human Race and in that same order we banquet this book to you to do the same for the Black Race on a global basis…To liberate the Black Race from the shackles of slavery, colonization and imperialism and remove the shame from all our faces that we are not cowards…
Africa has been violated for the past 700 years and this denigration continues from one generation to another. It is time to put our foot down and say enough is enough….
….And we are all waiting for that glorious day when you will present our demands for apology, restitution and reparations on the floors of the United Nations General Assembly……
….. We are patiently waiting for the day you will announce our membership of the United Nations Security Council as a permanent member with equality of veto in the status of other 8 super powers of today…..
… we are waiting for that day that you will announce to the whole world on the floors of the UN General Assembly the arrival of a Black Supper Nation that can face any other super power militarily and economically on land, air and sea…and stand its grounds…..just like H.E. Nikita Krushov, the great Soviet Leader announced in the 60’s on the floors of the UN General assembly of the arrival of the Soviet Union to face any other power on land , air and sea, were he pulled his shoe and banged it on the table , to sound a note of warning that the Soviet Union is second to none….
……..Just like H.E. Josef Dugashvilli Stalin met on equal terms other powers in Yalta to shape the present world order… so shall we meet other powers very soon , to shape a new world order on the terms of equality, diplomatic reciprocity, détente…mutual respect…and deterrence…
…..all the ideas, logistic and stratagems to achieve this great goals are well spelt out in the book…The Seething World- Reparations for Africa – A functional approach that we are launching today and presenting to you as a gift of solemn bequest to march on and conquer the world. You are our own Napoleon Bonaparte; you are our own Alexandra the great…you are our Vladimir Lenin…you are our own George Washington….you are our chairman Mao…
May God almighty help us in our resolute journey to achieve this greatness for Nigeria, Africa and the Black Race in generality….
… Thank you. God bless Africa and the Black Race in entirety……. AMEN....cont. next edition


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