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World News: Chairmen and Leaders of 45 Political Parties pay Solidarity Visit to the Senate President H.E. Bukola Saraki: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga plus 45 Chairmen of Political Parties storms the National Assembly on Solidarity Visit to the Senate President H.E. Bukola Saraki.

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga -National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative Party in a warm Handshake of Solidarity with
H.E. Bukola Saraki the Senate President of the Nigerian Federation

World News: Chairmen and Leaders of 45 Political Parties pay Solidarity Visit to the Senate President H.E. Bukola Saraki: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga plus 45 Chairmen of Political Parties storms the National Assembly on Solidarity Visit to the Senate President H.E. Bukola Saraki.

Thisday History was made in the annals of the Nigerian democratic dispensation as 45 Chairmen and leaders of political parties including the National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga stormed the National Assembly on solidarity visit to the leadership of the senate of the 8th republic on the heels of the recent siege on the National Assembly by armed security operatives and other urgent matters of National interests.
On the behalf on the 45 National Chairmen and leaders of political parties Chief Perry Okparra the National Chairman of NUP read out the vexations of the leaders of political parties and other stakeholder’s and majority of the peoples of Nigeria to the Senate President H.E. Bukola Saraki and other members of Senate of the 8th Republic; which includes the following testaments:
1.       Political Party Chairmen and leaders condemn the recent siege on the homes of the leaders of the senate of the 8th Republic. Condemn the siege on the National Assembly by Armed security operatives and condemn the siege on the Benue state House of Assembly.
2.       Condemn in strong terms the attempts to clamp down opposition and stifle democracy in Nigeria by acts of commission and omission. In particular the harassment, blackmail, arrest of opposition leaders in the country which if not checked could snowball into truncating the hard earned democracy.
3.       Observed that Nigeria has began to evince the symptoms of failed state as the chairmen noted that Nigeria is sliding into anarchy of the Thomas Hobbes dissertation where life has become short, brut and nasty due to lawlessness and appealed to the National Assembly to do something urgently to stop these trends and save Nigeria from sliding into shame, ruins and grief.
4.       State of the Nation: Insecurity, bloodletting etc: The Chairmen also observed the spate of insecurity of life and properties as in the high crime wave, ethnic clashes and irredentist ethnic chauvinism which has crept into the affairs of the polity embellished to all times high resulting in nepotism, mediocrity, bloodletting, ethnic cleansing and anarchy…
5.        Joblessness, poverty, Redundancies of skilled and unskilled labour force etc: The Chairmen observed the high level of unemployment, redundancies of skilled and unskilled labour force which has resulted in the widespread of poverty, hunger and wants and also impacts on the high crime rate and general insecurity of the polity and they appealed to the senate of the 8th Republic to do something urgently to stop this drift into darkness by the most populous country of the African continent.
6.       The chairmen condemn in strong terms any attempt to un constitutionally remove the leadership of the Senate of the 8 th Republic through kangaroo  impeachment or any other unconstitutional method as this would impact negatively on the growth and entrenchment of genuine democratic dispensation in Nigeria and Sub Saharan Africa.
7.       Liaison office between Senate and the Political Parties: The Senate and the Chairmen of Registered Political Parties decided to worked hand in gloves to protect Nigeria from sliding into anarchy by establishing a liaison office to be manned by a liaison Officer where the political parties would be able to impute their quota on legislation.
8.       The senate President H.E. Bukola Saraki thanked the Chairmen and leaders of Political Parties for their visit and reiterated the commitment of the 8th Republic to protect Nigerian democracy through quality superior legislation and constructive approach to Nation Building.

9.       The senate president thanked all Nigerians for standing by the Senate especially those who trooped out to the defend the National Assembly and to defend democracy..

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga-Na. Chairman of Democratic Alternative in a handshake with H.E. Bukola Saraki the President of Senate of the 8th Rupublic

The President of Senate H.E. Bukola Saraki with the 45 chairmen and leaders of political parties that paid him a solidarity visit- front row 4th from right is H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga -National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative Party at the National Assembly

H.E Prince Frank Ukonga with other Chairmen of political parties at the National Assembly to pay a solidarity visit

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga with other chairmen of political parties at the National Assembly on solidarity visit

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga National Chairman DA- Democratic Alternative addressing the Senate President H.E. Bukola Saraki during the solidarity visit of Chairmen of Political Parties to the National Assembly.

H.E.Prince Frank Ukonga  National Chairman DA-Democratic Alternative with chairmen of other political parties in a solidarity visit to the Senate president and other senators of the 8th Republic

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga  National Chairman of DA with chairmen of political parties at the National Assembly

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga[first from right] with other chairmen of political parties listening to the speech of the Senate president H.E. Bukola Saraki @ the National Assembly during the solidarity visit of the Chairmen and party leaders to the N/A


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