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STOP PRESS: 2019 Polls: "Our Prerogative is to Eliminate Hunger & Poverty from Nigeria & Africa" H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga -DA Presidential candidate Explodes at the VON-Voice of Nigeria Interview broadcast to the entire World in 9 Languages.

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- Presidential
Candidate of DA- Democratic
Alternative in the VON Interview on
New Year 1st/Jan /2019

STOP PRESS: 2019 Polls: "Our Prerogative is to Eliminate Hunger & Poverty from Nigeria & Africa" H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga -DA Presidential candidate Explodes at the VON-Voice of Nigeria Interview broadcast to the entire World in 9 Languages.

On the 1st of January 2019, the VON-Voice of Nigeria Radio that broadcast to the entire world in 9 languages of English, French, Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, Fulfude, Kiswahili etc which has the largest outreach and listeners in many countries of the world and Nigeria invited H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- The National Chairman and Presidential Candidate of DA-Democratic Alternative Party in the 2019 election of Nigeria, as special guest in the Abuja studio –Radio House, Garki at 7.00 PM News Program of Round the World in 60 Minutes for a special interview to the entire world on the expectations of His Excellency Prince Frank Ukonga in the 2019 elections and his New Year Message to the world.

VON: Good Evening, Happy New Year H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga, its good to have you in the Voice-of Nigeria, Studio, Abuja.

DA-H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga: My heartfelt thanks to the Journalist at Voice of Nigeria-VON which is the largest and far reaching international Radio station of Nigeria and the African continent. Happy New year, to you and all the listeners. I am highly elated to be your special guest on the 1st of January 2019 to air me and my party to the entire universe. This is a special privilege and we at DA Appreciate you for yoking me and mine among the sages.

VON: Listeners all over the world we bring to you on this special occasion o the 1st of January 2019 on the New Year day H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga the Presidential Candidate of Democratic Alternative Party to showcase his views on contemporary issues. H.E. Welcome to the Voice of Nigeria Studio.

DA-H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga: I Thank You for this special privilege and I say Happy New Year to all Nigerians and citizens of the world; we at DA-Democratic Alternative Party wish you progress, good health and prosperity throughout the year 2019 and forever more.

VON: The 2019 election would be held this year a few weeks away, what are your Expectations His Excellency as a Presidential Candidate and that of your party.

DA: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga: The year 2019 will be full of surprises and miracles and we are optimistic that it is the year of great success for the Democratic Alternative Party and for all Nigerians.

VON: What are your expectations on the 2019 election in particular?

DA-H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga: This is the first time in the History of Nigeria that about 91 political parties are going to slug it out in the polls, our expectations is to have a free fair and credible outing for all the participants in the election.

VON: The President H.E. Mohammadu Buhari in the New Year Message promised peaceful, free, fair and credible elections in 2019 general elections..What’s your take on this?

DA-H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga: We are optimistic at DA that there would be an election in 2019 and perhaps could be free, fair and credible but there are gray areas that arouse some pessimism and anxieties.

VON: Pessimism in 2019 polls?

DA: Prince Frank Ukonga: Yes; we cannot have a free, fair and credible election if the issue of Vote Buying and Selling is not stopped or curtailed. Imagine somebody who had little stakes and outing in a polity at the voting day shows up with big money to buy up all the votes and win that election..That cannot be called free and fair election as it is an aberration. Again what kind of quality service delivery would you expect from such a person? Which are the main issues of the Ekiti and Osun governorship elections?

Secondly the issue of the new electoral bill on the Card Reader and electronic transmission of votes which was not signed into law brings in the lacuna of the possibility of underage voting and all the problems of the 2015 election would still linger on.

VON: And what are your anxieties in the 2019 elections?

DA: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga: The issue of Security and Peace during and after the elections raise lots of anxieties among politicians and well meaning citizens of Nigeria and the global Village. But them H.E. Mohammadu Buhari, My humble self and other presidential candidates signed a Peace Accord on the 11th of December 2018 brokered by the former head of state H.E. General Abdusalami Abubakar in the presence of high ranking leaders of Nigeria as former Head of State General Yakubu Gowon,HRM The Sultan of Sakwoto Sultan Abubakar, HRM Ooni of Ife Oba Enitan Adeyeye Ojaja 11 , Commodore Ebute Ukiwe … and we can only hope that all participants would conduct themselves with the Terms, Rules and Protocols of engagement spelt out in the Peace Accord addressed to guarantee Peace and Security of the sovereignty.. And on the 13th of December a National Security Summit and Training workshop was held in Abuja by the National Security Adviser Major General Monguno to work out a good election security synergy for all the Security Forces of Nigeria and the Training of the election security management personnel began in several cities and locations in Nigeria. This remarkable ingenuity if well harnessed would improve the quality of elections in Nigeria and impact positively on the fortunes of democracy in sub Saharan Africa.

VON: What Message do you have for Nigerians in 2019?

DA: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga: I wish Nigerians Happy New Year and appeal to all to Support and Vote for DA –Democratic Alternative Party in the 2019 election as the DA is presenting over 1200 candidates of about 1800 total elective positions in the 2019 polls and DA has emerged the 3rd position only second to the APC and the PDP in terms of sponsorship of quality candidates, national spread and following, marketability, presentability and acceptability ..etal. DA is the fastest growing party in Nigeria and perhaps in all emerging democracies of the world. We promise Free and qualitative education at all levels, job creation, economic, industrial and Agric Revolution, to eradicate Hunger and Poverty, electricity generation and distribution, quality infrastructural development, pro active health care and security initiatives and much more.

VON: His Excellency, thank you for honoring the invitation of Voice of Nigeria

DA. H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga: I am highly elated for the privilege you have given to me and my party DA as special guest on this special day of New Year- 1st of January 2019 to air us to all Nigerians and citizens of the universe simultaneously transmitted to the entire world in more than 9 Languages to reach the majority of the citizens of the World. We wish the Voice of Nigeria and all the staffs and journalist and the listeners to this program the best of bests in Creation. Gratitude.


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