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PRESS RELEASE:June 12-Democracy Day; H.E.Prince Frank Ukonga National Chairman DA Explodes on State of the Nation @ June 12, 2019.& Sacrifices of Democratic Alternative Party in the Struggles for Democracy.

June 12 2019, Democracy Day of Nigeria with Basorun MKO Abiola: State of the Nation Statement
by H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga -National Chairman of DA- Democratic Alternative Party on Democracy Day 2019
PRESS RELEASE:June 12-Democracy Day; H.E.Prince Frank Ukonga National Chairman DA Explodes on State of the Nation @ June 12, 2019.& Sacrifices of Democratic Alternative Party in the Struggles for Democracy.

Attention: Fellow Compatriots of the Nigerian Federation and stakeholders in the Nigerian Project in our near and far abroad:In accordance with the constitution of Registration of DA- Democratic Alternative as a political Party registered in Nigeria to contest elections and to form government when we win, we are also constitutionally empowered to offer our views on State of the Nation at regular intervals of the affairs of the Sovereignty with a view to provide positive criticisms to jockey the sovereignty to better standard of governance, delivery of dividends of democracy and rectitude.

Pls we appeal to your understanding in our humility and sincerity as we offer the following observations in the State of the Nation Statement of DA- Democratic Alternative Party offered through our National Chairman H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga- The Prince of Kukuruku Provinces, Principalities and Powers.

1] Thisday, we congratulate all Nigerians and stakeholders in the Nigerian project all over the world and the citizens of the global village Happy Democracy Day;as we celebrate the final triumph of the struggles of June 12 to establish Democracy in Nigeria culminating in the recognition of June 12 as the Democracy Day of the Nigerian Federation.

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga the National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative Party on the behalf of all members of DA in Nigeria and the Diaspora commend H.E. Mohammadu Buhari the President and Commander in Chief of the Nigerian Federation and his fellow sojourners in government for this remarkable gesture of recognizing June 12 as the Democracy Day for Nigeria and the Human Race.

Otherwise it is pertinent to remember all the fallen Heroes that sacrificed their lives in the actualization of June 12 Struggle for Democracy which was the Day Nigerians said no to military rule, said no to feudal - Military industrial complex and came out en mass to vote for their preferred candidate Basorun MKO Abiola as the President and commander in Chief of the Nigerian Federation. But agents of Darkness did not allow this great mandate of the peoples to prevail but rather Basorum MKO Abiola ended up in Jail for demanding to claim his mandate and was murdered by the fifth columnist/realm of the Etat. And that heralded his martyrdom from generation to generation...

2]The International Frontiers for June 12: Thisday June 12, 2019 as we celebrate Democracy Day as the victory of the Truth over the antics and agents of Darkness we must but reflect and pay homage to those who assisted to give the Nigerian sovereignty freedom , liberty and democratic governance.Whence we acknowledge the great role of the United States of America in the actualization of June 12 ; led by the then ambassador of the US in Nigeria Ambassador Extra Ordinary Plenipotentiary Walter Carrignton and the Russian Ambassador to Nigeria H.E. Alenxandrovich Pashin- the Russian Ambassador Extra Ordinary and Plenipotentiary to Nigeria who were at the frontiers of the great battle.We commend many other Nations who strongly supported the struggles.

2a] Thisday, we celebrate all of you and your struggles to make Nigeria and the global village a better place for all.We thank you all.We commend the amnesty International and all other pro democracy NGO and International Civil Right activists, UN,AU,ECOWAS, etal that were in the frontiers to actualize Democracy in Nigeria; to all of you we owe and bequest this great victory.

2b] We thank the Union of Africans in Diaspora and the EPG for Reparations:We commend the Union of Africans International and the Eminent Persons Group for Reparations among who include Professor Ali Mazuri, Professor Maumadu Barr, Professor Atuke Okai[ University of Ghana,Legon], Ambassador Rexon Little, Rev Jesse Jackson of Rainbow Coalition of USA, Professor Ade Ajayi, Dr [Mrs] Margaret Vogt, Professor Wole Shoyinka , Professor Chinua Achebe, Comrade Kokori ,Professor Leonard Jeffrey and my humble self H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga who was arrested and , brutalized for June 12,...all of whom were the THINK THANK to actualize the June 12 Mandate.;

We commend the support of General Shehu Musa Yar Adua,General Maman Vatsa, Lt Col. Amankwa Ghana of the Supreme Military Council, General Jerry Rawlings former President of the Republic of Ghana etal. We thank the Republic of South Africa and most especially Former President Nelson Mandela who stood by the Truth all through the travails.

3] Home Front Protagonist for June12: Thisday;We celebrate the struggles of NADECO, AFENIFERE ,OHANAEZE and the DA-Democratic Alternative and the CD- Campaign for Democracy for their tenacity and struggles to actualize the tenets of democracy in the Nigerian Sovereignty:We remember the millions, some of whom paid the supreme Price among who include Chief Abraham Adesanya, Chief Adekunle Ajasin, Chief Olu Falae, Simbiatu Abola, Chief Alfred Rewanie, Dr Festus Iyayi,Ken Saro Wiwa, Journalist Makoulu,and those who lost their lives in the One Million Man March for June 12 in Lagos, Jos, Yola Jimeta etal. And Most Profoundly we remember the Leaders of DA-Democratic Alternative Party who were at the forefront of the struggles among who include the Secretary General of DA Comrade Chima Ubani,Comrade Aturu, and our founder Barrister Alao Aka Basorun and others all of whom the struggle was their lives.

DA-Democratic Alternative Party is a Major Stakeholder in the contemporary democratic dispensation of Nigeria and paid the supreme price to actualize June 12 and bring democracy to Nigeria, Sub Saharan Africa and the African continent in generality.But unfortunately those who never participated in June 12 actualization of Democracy in Nigeria and some whom were apologists to the order of that time are the ones milking and enjoying June 12 legacy today.

4] State of the Nation Statement from the National Chairman DA -H.E Prince Frank Ukonga @ June 12, 2019,Democracy Day of the Nigerian Federation:

Thisday I, H.E.Prince Frank Ukonga the National Chairman of DA-Democratic Alternative Party of Nigeria -a major Stakeholder in the Democratic process and becoming of the Nigerian Federation posit the following observations on the State of the Nation of Nigeria circa June 12 2019 ;

pls peruse our observations objectively as we appeal for your understanding;

A] That Nigeria since June 12 , 1993 has continuously degenerated in economic , industrial, educational and all other aspects of life since June 12 and nothing drastic has been done by all the governments that came after June 12 2019 to arrest this decline of the Nigerian federation into the abyss of poverty, ruins, shame,and grieves...

B] That all the governments that has served in the past 20 years of democratic dispensation brought about by the sacrifices of all the heroes of democracy in that interregnum of history has been self seeking engaging in self aggrandizement of mundane accumulation of the peoples wealth through corruption , stealing, kleptomania, mis management of public and private funds that has led Nigeria the most populous and Richest Black Nation in the world to become the POVERTY CAPITAL OF THE UNIVERSE.

C]That though Nigeria is celebrating the New Democracy Day of June 12, as a misery Greek gift to the peoples of Nigeria and sub Saharan Africa should not placate our vision of the diabolical plots of Islamization and Fulanizaton of the polity by the same dangerously calculating feudal oligarchy in partnership with some elite ruling cabals to obfuscate the vision of the majority of Nigerians from grasping the true realities of there grandiose design to overrun the territory and subjugate all of us to the status of conquered peoples.

D] The Spirit and Courage of Survival:The spirit and Courage of Survival as a peoples and as ethnic, tribes etc, of not being overrun by the dangerously calculating intruders is to cultivate the "Spirit and Courage of Eternal Vigilance"; which pertains to all tribes, ethnic and peoples of the sovereignty to be observant , stoic and battle ready to ward off all intruders as a task that must be done for the survival of the ethnic, tribes and aboriginals of the peoples of Nigeria and Sub Saharan Africa.

As the Yoruba adage would say..

.... "Eti gba a le jo...Ogiri ti lanu ..Alangba de ti ko si nue..." meaning "You have taken upon yourself out of indiscretion new visitors and the walls to the gates of your Empires has been opened up & violated and the lizards has entered into you territories and territorial integrity" ...

And again the Yoruba adage goes further to warn :

"Owo olosha ti te oje ...Oku Baba eni tio bo" meaning "The Sorcerer has finally caught the magic Ring..who would be man enough in the polity to challenge him and take the Magic Ring from him now".

We are all guilty in this collateral disaster both the mundane Nigerians sleeping populace still wearing their birthday suites and the patronizing international community.

May the Gods be Praised. Happy Democracy Day to all Nigerians and to Near and Far abroad. Gratitude.


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