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World News: Coronavirus Lockdown: Provide Relief to Nigerians: Political Parties tells Buhari, N/A:

World News: Coronavirus Lockdown: Provide Relief to Nigerians, Political Parties Leaders tell Buhari, N/A: HE Prince Frank Ukonga -IPAC National Director of Policy and Planning Explodes

World News: Coronavirus Lockdown: Provide Relief to Nigerians: Political Parties tells Buhari, N/A:

by Tajudeen Enilolobo / Reporter: National Peoples News: ISSN: 1595-0549

National Leaders of  Political Parties of the Nigerian Federation has called on the APC led Federal Government of President Mohammadu Buhari and the National Assembly to provide palliative measures to Nigerians in the event of the lockdown of the Country to stem the spread of the dreaded Corona Virus.
This is coming on the heels of the proposed lockdown of the Nigerian Federation starting from the 26th of March 2020 for two weeks till the 7th of April.
The IPAC -[Inter Party Advisory Council] -National Director for Policy and Planning HE Prince Frank Ukonga made the position of Political Parties Leaders known to the media men in Abuja calling on the Federal government to provide relief for the masses of Nigeria during the lockdown period as he said the government and the organized provide sectors employ less than 3% of the 250 million population estimate of Nigeria, leaving over 240 million peoples who depend on the daily income to feed and take care of their families. Locking them down at home for 2 weeks without palliative measures portend grave dangers as to send death wish to them to die at home of hunger and other ailments. Whence the food markets have to be opened to the public and accessible, the pharmacies have to be opened and the banking sectors has to provide essential services he said.
He admonished the government to pay a sizable sum of stipend to Nigerian Citizens to cushion the effect of job loss while staying at home.
While he called on the private sector and other Humanitarian organizations to donate generously to cushion the lockdown effects saying this is the time to give back to the community in the pursuit of shared prosperity.


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