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World News: US Report on 2019 Elections: How Prof. Mahmood Yakubu’s INEC Conducted the Worst Elections in Nigerian History: Focus on the US, EU, UN, Yiaga, IRI, NDI, and Civil Societies Situation Room Reports and Other Matters Arising.

The US report on the 2019 general elections has nail Professor Mahmood Yakubu's INEC as conducting a compromised election

World News: US Report on 2019 Elections: How Prof. Mahmood Yakubu’s INEC Conducted the Worst Elections in Nigerian History: Focus on the US, EU, UN, Yiaga, IRI, NDI, and Civil Societies Situation Room Reports and Other Matters Arising.
By Professor Clifford Ukonu: Senior Political Editor: National Peoples News:ISSN:1595-0549
Professor Mahmood Yakubu has allegedly messed up INEC, the Nigerian Independent Electoral Commission and has failed woefully in all the elections he had conducted since he became the Chairman of INEC in 2016.
All the elections he conducted were allegedly characterized with widespread rigging, violence, vote-buying, and selling, ballot boxes snatching and stuffing, blatant falsification of results, compromised and corrupt election officers, underage voting, intimidation of voters by security agencies, killing, death, ruins, arson, grieves, and shame. Anything that can go wrong with any election had gone wrong with Professor Mahmood Yakubu’s INEC Conducted elections that had made the electorates of Nigeria and the international community to condemn the conducts and results of all these elections and in particular the 2019 general elections as not credible, nor fair nor free nor tenable to be used to adjudge those who must rule and govern the polity.
To corroborate these abysmal failures of Professor Mahmood Yakubu’s INEC was the Report of The United State Department of State on the conduct of the 2019 elections released on Wednesday the 12th of March 2020, which indicted and condemn with strong words the conducts of the 2019 general elections with a conclusion that the failed APC government in power had coerced INEC and the electorate using the security Agencies to muscle the elections and the results of the elections in favor of the ruling APC party.
The US Report also indicted the APC government to have compromised the Judiciary to favor the ruling failed APC party in the numerous controversial court cases that the failed elections generated. This implies that the results are not the true reflection of the vote cast and whence the election is not free, fair nor credible and cannot be used to adjudge who won or lost in the election. At best, a sham that should be consigned to the dustbins of history as another wasted opportunity in the affairs of men of subsequent Creation.
The most diabolical aspects of the sophistry of Professor Mahmood Yakubu's INEC is the affront of using the results of these condemned, shameful elections as the yardstick to measure the strength and weaknesses of political parties for de-registration; and illegally, unconstitutionally INEC and Professor Mahmood Yakubu on the 6th of February 2020 went ahead to violate the constitutional rights of 74 political parties in Nigeria using this discredited results on the 2019 elections to de-register these parties despite the fact that a pending case on the said matter is in the Federal Hgh court since May 2019.
The incorruptible Justice Anwuli Chikere of the Federal High Court, Abuja in her rulings of the 17th February 2020 stopped INEC in a permanent interlocutory injunction from deregistering any political parties of the Nigerian Federation forever. A remarkable Godly guided Justice of the Living God. But till today INEC and Professor Mahmood Yakubu have disobeyed the Court Orders asking him to reinstate back the delisted parties.
Earlier on the EU-European Union, UN, Yiaga, IRI, NDI, and the Nigerian Civil Society situation room which is a coalition of many prestigious influential civil right and elections monitoring team from across Nigeria and the entire globe had condemned the results of the 2019 general election as a travesty and untenable to intelligence.
Reason would prevail that the entire election be canceled, INEC to be overhauled and replaced with more competent hands addressed to conduct fresh credible elections that would reflect the true wishes of the peoples of Nigeria.


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