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Press Release: DA goes to Court to Challenge INEC Exclusion of Party Logo and Candidates from the 2023 General Elections

The Democratic Alternative Party-DA, has notified INEC-Independent National Electoral Commission for excluding the Party Candidates and Logo from ballot of the 2023 general election. In a letter of complaint submitted to INEC by DA legal team; Messer NEWWORTH LLP- a legal Consortium of 20 legal luminaries led by Barrister Comrade Ayodele Ademiluyi complained about the exclusion of Democratic Alternative candidates and logo from the 25th February 2023 Presidential, gubernatorial, National Assembly and State Assembly elections. This is the sue generis to kick start another legal battle that could lead to the cancellation of the 2023 general election as well as restore DA back as a registered political party. The National Chairman of the Democratic Alternative Party, HE Prince Frank Ukonga said "We held DA Primaries and National Convention on the 7th and 8th of June 2022 and INEC were duly informed and the report of Primaries and National convention were duly received by INEC; We were surprised when DA candidates and logo were excluded from the presidential , guber and Assembly ballots, as well as DA logo, despite the fact that we have a court judgment to be on the ballot" " We shall challenge this exclusion in court of competent Jurisdiction, and the outcome could impact adversely on the outcome and credibility of the 2023 elections in generality" The amiable Chairman concluded. The Democratic Alternative Party is the most Youth and Women friendly party in Nigeria, as by YIAGA Report on the 2019 general elections where DA sponsored 1450 candidates and had a record of sponsoring more Youth and Women to the National and States Houses of Assembly respectively., and by delisting DA is likened to a Coup de Sack against the Youth and Women of Nigeria who are advocating for a paradigm shift of power to Women and Youth avant-garde. The DA Presidential Candidate HE Victor Okechukwu Vishney added: " Actually DA was ready to hit the ground running, if we were elected to power by Nigerians and we have a power packed manifesto tagged #Thefightfornigeria: that has functional solutions to solve the problems of underdevelopment of the Nigerian polity and addressed to usher in accelerated social, economic and industrial development of the Sovereignty." "We have solutions for resolving the security challenges of Nigeria as well as ready to tackle agriculture, unemployment, voluntary and involuntary redundancies, electricity and infrastructural decay within 100 days in office. But I was surprised that my Name as the Presidential Candidate of DA and other candidates, as well as our party logo was excluded from the ballot. We would challenge this in court." The amiable Presidential candidate concluded


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